Monday, December 31, 2007
Imagine going into any bedroom situation with complete confidence that your going to last long and strong, and perhaps be the best she's ever had!
The easiest and most trustworthy way to accomplish this is through a reliable manual that has a track record for churning out long lasting lovers. Well, here it is -- The Ejaculation Master --
Check out this site, read the testimonials, get the damn manual and start learning how to be the BEST you can be!
Life's too damn short to be a 2 minute lover. Become the best you can be. Become a long, strong, and impressive lovemaker...
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Premature Ejaculation Woody Allen Technique Part 2 - Practicing
The premature ejaculation Woody Allen technique has become extremely popular. There have been many reports back from men saying how successful the method is for preventing premature ejaculation. The method they have been using though, has not been Mr. Allens exact method as he describes in one of his films, regarding the practice of thinking about baseball. Rather the successful premature ejaculation preventing method has been simply envisioning the image of Woody Allen himself during sexual intimacy. This seems to be a surefire way to lesson ones over excitement during sex, which allows one to then last longer. Of course the caveat empor is to not have the image of Woody Allen linger in your head for too long, or else one runs the risk of losing erectile activity altogether!
The proper method is to just take in a dose of the Woody Allen image, similar to say taking a shot of liquor. Bring in the Woody Allen image in your head for just a moment when you need to tame your over excitement and bring things down a few notches. Then once things are settled, wipe Woody from your mind and proceed on. If Woody needs to return for another ''shot'' then so be it, and again once things are settled, kick him out!
How to Practice the premature ejaculation Woody Allen technique: Many males have become very excited over this technique and yearn to give it a try. Though some are lacking any partners at the moment, while others refrain from giving it a whirl as they remain skeptical.
You can practice stopping quick ejaculation with the Woody Allen technique to see how effectively it works, on your own simply through masturbation. During the point where over excitement is about to enter the picture, simply bring Woody into your head for a quick visit and you will witness a "leveling off", where you find yourself losing that quick ejaculation urge while being able to continue far longer than normal. In the beginning you'll likely find yourself bringing Woody in several times during simulated sexual intimacy. This is good and can serve as excellent training for the real thing, allowing one to last much longer when with a partner. Essentially it proves the simple power of mental training to cure premature ejaculation.
Once you employ the Woody Allen image technique, as well as other mental techniques, then you are training both your mind and your body to make lasting longer during sex something that is both normal and natural. Eventually you won't even have to employ mental techniques as you're body will have adapted to longer lasting sex. But for now, training with mental techniques to cure premature ejaculation is an excellent and effective path to follow.
For the most effective mental techniques available online to permanently cure premature ejaculation, see Here you'll find proven ways to become a long lasting lover.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Premature Ejaculation Woody Allen Technique
Woody Allen, in the movie "Everything You Wanted to Know about Sex but were Afraid to Ask" describes a premature ejaculation cure which he uses. Essentially he thinks about baseball during sexual activity. That's correct, baseball. What this does is it takes your mind off the actual experience of having sex and helps you last longer. The baseball technique can involve naming off all the baseball teams in the different leagues, or going through the names of first basemen, or whatever baseball mind occupier works for you specifically.
I came up with another technique for lasting longer in the sack: Think about Woody Allen. This came about by accident when someone once gave me the Woody Allen baseball tip for curing premature ejaculation. I was thrilled and was looking forward to a long night of passion with my partner by using this technique. But when it came time for sexual intimacy I realized, very quickly, that I actually didn't know that much about baseball. I named off about half a dozen teams in my head, came up with three or four first basemen, but after that I became flustered. Since my friend had mentioned Woody Allen in association with the baseball tip, I naturally started to think about...Woody Allen. And it worked! I went through several of Woody's movies in my head, then I began reciting the most memorable lines from each movie, and then I went through and tried to think of at least two other people who co-starred in each movie. Since Woody Allen has such a large volume of work, I was having sex longer than ever before. Premature Ejaculation no longer was a worry that evening.
Even if you are not familiar with Woody Allen's movies, I've discovered that simply envisioning Woody Allen himself can do wonders to kill any sexual over excitement. You must use caution with this technique however, as it may cause one to lose an erection altogether. But i've found when becoming overly excited during sexual intimacy, just the quick thought of Woody Allen's image brings me down a couple notches and I am then able to last several minutes longer.
Essentially what this proves is that a large part of premature ejaculation is mental. If you can mentally control premature ejaculation through baseball..or Woody Allen..then there is something to say about how the mind can easily control the body. And through learning the mind-body connection one can eventually learn to naturally and easily last longer by dropping a few mental last longer notes when necessary.
To learn how to mentally last longer and permanently cure premature ejaculation, see Here you'll find the best program yielding the quickest results.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Ways to Last Longer in Bed
There are effective ways to last longer in bed. Methods can range across the board from medications to exercises. Here are three different ways to last longer in bed.
1. Numbing creams. There are actual ointments out there which you can apply to your Johnson and thus become "less sensitive". The downside is you may not experience the sensations of sexual activity, since you are all numbed up, thus enjoying it less. You also risk the potential of not being able to ejaculate at all. The upside is that it can potentially lead to an effective way to last longer in bed in order to please your partner.
2. Physically training your Johnson to last longer in bed. Through exercise techniques you can target a specific muscle which can enable you to control your ejaculations. After repeated training of your control muscle, you will be able to trigger it so when quick ejaculation begins to present itself you can squeeze, control, and hence last longer in bed.
3. Mental training. Highly underrated are actual mental techniques which you can use and develop in order to last longer in bed. Once you master a few mental skills, then you can apply these to lasting longer in bed, both enjoying sexual activity yourself while pleasing your partner. This method is perhaps the easiest as it doesn't involve any physical activity, nor any outside elements like creams and ointments, yet it's effective is rated very high.
Ideally a mix between physical exercises and mental techniques can prove to be the safest, easiest, and the most effective ways to last longer in bed. You can rely mostly on your mental technique, yet if anything slips you have your physical exercises to fall back on.
For mental techniques and physical exercise to last longer in bed, you can find the easiest and most effective methods online at
This is the best online resource for learning ways to last longer in bed in an effective, yet easy to learn manner.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
How to Make Sex Last Longer - 2 Easy Techniques
There are a number of ways you can learn how to make sex last longer. But many involve performing exercise techniques or practicing mental techniques for weeks beforehand. Now these methods do work and are ultimately the ideal long term solution. But what about some quick fixes? Say you are looking to score soon and don't have time to learn all the specific techniques on how to make sex last longer. Well there's two immediate solutions you can employ to successfully get through an intimate night of pleasure, that can turn out to be more erotic and ecstasy filled than ever.
1. Extend the foreplay for as long as you can. Essentially you want to prime the situation before actual sex, so when the time comes you won't be under heavy pressure to last long. You will have already built up enough "heat". And this extending foreplay buildup is a very natural extension to extending an intimate sexual night altogether. In many cases it will even turn out to be more pleasurable for your partner. If you focus on your partner more during this time, you can end up pleasuring them numerous times before the main event even occurs.
2. Start and stop. During sexual intimacy if you feel you're becoming too excited too quickly, then simply stop for a few moments and pleasure your partner in other ways. This serves two purposes: it can extend sex far longer than normal, and it can drive your partner absolutely wild in a good sense. By starting and stopping, then resuming again, you are bringing your partner close to climax, and by repeating this you are creating a climate where numerous near climax's are created. So when the main event does come to town it will be more spectacular than anything ever experienced before due to the massive build up of desire you've created!
To learn easy techniques online on how to make sex last longer, see
Here the easiest and most effective ways to become a long lasting lover can be found.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How To Keep a Man from Ejaculating Too Quickly
Women can easily find themselves in the position of trying to learn how to keep a man from ejaculating too quickly. There are short term in the moment solutions, as well as long term ways that can be followed with great results. Here's a bit of both.
1. "Easy on the touch". In the moment of sexual intimacy, realize that the male is going to be very sensitive, and arousing the sensitivity is going to lead to a man ejaculating too quickly. Essentially you want to save it for the main event, and avoid too much touching beforehand. Thats not to say you can't engage in foreplay, just make sure it is light foreplay on your part. Allow the male to devote more time towards you so he will feel as if you are already on the road to climax, hence he won't feel enormous pressure to last long, thus preventing him from ejaculating too quickly.
2. "Easy on the verbal". During sexual intimacy don't be "overly verbal". While men do enjoy hearing verbal ecstasies emanating from the female, in the situation of preventing a man from ejaculating too quickly, it's best to not get to verbal. This easily turns a guy on and can really lead to himself becoming overly excited and hence ejaculating too quickly.
3. "Teach him the way". Realize that many guys don't want to take the time to learn how keep from ejaculating too quickly, usually out of embarrassment and perhaps denial. Female partners can become subtle teachers by reading online guides and techniques for males, then subtly have your male partner apply these techniques. Practice does make perfect and by acting as a subtle teacher you take control and create a stronger more erotic and pleasurable sex life.
For one of the best and most effective online guides on how males can stop from ejaculating too quickly, see Here you can understand the root of the problem and apply these techniques towards your partner to permanently prevent quick ejaculation from occurring.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Ejaculating Prematurely - Slow it Down and Prevent!
Ejaculating prematurely during sex is a common problem which can have permanent solutions if one takes the time to practice and learn both mental and physical exercises. But in the meantime, whats one to do? While learning how to permanently control premature ejaculation, you can still use certain techniques to get you through sex and minimize getting excited too quickly.
You can not only slow down your excitement, but also halt any premature ejaculation from occurring by two methods:
1. Starting and stopping. Try going for as long as possible, and then when early excitement seems to be unbearable, pull out and stop, yet continue the passion in other ways, so you are maintaining a relatively steady level of pleasure for your partner while you "re-gain your composure" and are able to start again.
2. If it does get to code red and excitement levels are really becoming over the top, then after stopping simply pinch relatively lightly yet firmly, and hold, the head of your Johnson. This can sort of act as a trigger button, that will cut off ejaculating from occurring. You can see it as your ''kill switch''; used only in emergency's where things need to be shut down immediately. Give it a few moments and you can then start the engines and continue.
Ideally you'll want to learn more permanent and easy procedures that will have you lasting as long as you want without much thought about the matter. This does require learning certain physical and mental exercises that will work great if you put in the time and practice. Until then you can start and stop, and employ you kill switch technique to get through intimate encounters.
For online exercises that can permanently cure premature ejaculation both easily and effectively, see Here you'll find the best online resource to become a long lasting lover.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Having Sex Longer - How it's Possible
Avoiding the very common problem of premature ejaculation is a common goal for many males. The reality is many males suffer to at least some degree from premature ejaculation and they cannot last as long as desired. Having sex longer requires you to understand the following three points.
1. Having sex longer is possible by two different routes! Avoiding premature ejaculation is indeed possible by a variety of ways, divided by short term routes and longer term routes. Short term quick fix solutions consist of such things as quick mental games and numbing ointments. While more long term routes such as specific exercises and more advanced mental techniques will work surprisingly well in fully preventing premature ejaculation.
2. You must "learn" how to have sex longer! Most men are not born with the ability to automatically have sex longer. It's only with continued practice, usually through actual sex, and masturbation, that the male actually begins to learn how to last longer on his own. But for many men it requires more than just occasional sex practice. Many must take the initiative and extra step to train themselves how to actually have sex longer. When this extra step is taken the male gains enormous control and can avoid premature ejaculation altogether.
3. Having sex longer is usually achievable first thing in the morning! There are better times than others that the male can enjoy having sex longer. Usually men seem to maintain erections longer and stronger and avoid premature ejaculation first thing in the morning. Physically men tend to have more “automatic erections” in the morning, but mentally I believe lies a strong element in why the a.m. waking hours contribute to the best time for having sex longer. The mind is not cluttered first thing in the morning and is still in some what of a hypnotic daze, thus worries and pressures, are not as present. So while one is learning control techniques, he can still enjoy having sex longer in the early waking hours. Of course when one applies techniques to aid in having sex longer, then anytime of the day will be long lasting.
To learn easy techniques to counter premature ejaculation, see This site has effective and fast methods where you can learn how to have sex longer.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
How to Stop Quick Ejaculation
One way to stop quick ejaculation is through specific exercise or practice routines. One such practice routine is a exercise which builds up the sensation and then has you practice control. It can get you used to becoming excited to the point where quick ejaculation usually occurs, but then halting that ejaculation, easing off and beginning again. Repeated and done regularly, it can greatly reduce and even eliminate quick ejaculation from occurring.
Essentially the routine involves becoming excited and when the usual point of quick ejaculation occurs, with thumb and forefinger you want to pinch the head of your johnson lightly but firm enough so that it discourages ejaculation from occurring. What you've done is built up to a certain excitable point, but unlike the usual quick ejaculation, you have actually sent a signal to your body through your thumb and forefinger johnson pinch, that says nope, not yet. Essentially you are training your body to become used with lasting longer when it comes to sex.
The process is then repeated, again reaching the point of where quick ejaculation usually takes place, then lightly pinching enough to discourage, and then easing off. You can continue to repeat this routine until the time between excitability and pinching become too close together. Generally what you will notice is that when you go to perform this exercise a night or two later, it'll will take you longer to get excited, while also gaining a degree of control and comfort. Continued practice can lead you to eventually learning how to stop quick ejaculation once and for all.
For an easy and very effective quick ejaculation prevention plan, see Here you can find a unique and effective program to end quick ejaculation permantly.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Winning the Premature Ejaculation Game
by Chess McDoogle
Winning the premature ejaculation game can be done with a 3 prong approach. This is a gradual system designed to allow you to not cease your sex life, but rather to carry on with it while at the same time developing skills to win over premature ejaculation once and for all.
1. Begin your exercises. When you decide it's time to deal with, and beat, premature ejaculation then you'll want to start with learning to exercise a muscle that can actually give you control over ejaculating. Basically it is the same muscle you use if you want to suddenly stop urinating. And to target this muscle, simply do that. Stop urinating mid stream and you will feel the exact muscle down there yonder that controls the flow. Once targeted you simply begin flexing that muscle a few times day at your leisure, while your sitting down, for as many times in a row as possible. At first it will be difficult, but you'll find by the end of one week you'll be able to work it much longer, hence you will have developed control in lasting longer, as this muscle can also be used to stop one from ejaculating too quickly.
2. Learn foreplay extenders. That is, learn passionate ways to extend foreplay right before having sex. This buys you time during your ejaculation training period, and when combined with the third point below, it will allow you to still have satisfying sex with a partner, even though you may still be suffering from premature ejaculation.
3. Mental tricks that work wonders. There are amazing ways to last longer and avoid premature ejaculation by simple mind tricks. An example is while having sex focus your mind on sports: Anything from baseball scores to football spreads. This method can buy you A LOT of time and you'll be amazed at how much longer you will last when you give your mind some other bone to chew on. So if you combine extended foreplay with mental tricks, you can get away with having pleasurable sex, while in your free time you will be training yourself physically to permanently last longer, thus winning over premature ejaculation.
When all is said and done, you can very quickly become a long lasting lover with the combination of both the exercising techniques and advanced mental techniques.
For information on specific and highly effective mental techniques to beat premature ejaculation, see-
Here you can learn online the quickest and most effective route to permanently win over premature ejaculation
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Premature Ejaculation Condition
A premature ejaculation condition essentially consists of becoming too sexually excited too quickly and thus ejaculation occurs. It is actually a very common problem which has different levels. Three such levels, with solutions listed, are as follows:
1. A premature ejaculation condition which is only a problem for the last few minutes of sex. Here the individual is able to go through foreplay and even intercourse. But at the tail end he fails to maintain control thus ejaculating a few minutes too early. For this individual the problem can be solved rather easily with a few premature ejaculation based physical exercises, focusing on certain muscles which can control ejaculation. Since he is so close to maintaining control to where he desires, he need only learn a few ways to establish and maintain control for a few minutes longer through exercise technique.
2. A premature ejaculation condition which at the point of insertion, excitement occurs. This is pretty common where foreplay is usually involved and then when it comes time for intercourse, insertion is made and right away, or very soon after, ejaculation occurs. For this individual a combination of both mental techniques and exercises is needed. It's definitely doable to cure, it just requires a double attack since the lasting length needs to be extended so. The mind is hugely beneficial here, and it's incredible how training it the right way with proper focus, can not only make insertion easy, but lasting longer doable as well. Add in a few exercise techniques and the problem can be solved.
3. A premature ejaculation condition which over excitement occurs during foreplay. This is a case where before any sexual intercourse or even insertion is had the individual ejaculates during foreplay, for example from kissing or touching. This is also fairly common and can occur when an individual hasn't had much sexual practice or hasn't been intimate in a long while. The solution here is first a set of specific physical exercises to prime one into getting past foreplay. Then mental exercises will come into play, followed by a final set of physical exercises which will lock things down into long lasting mode. This actually can be accomplished rather quickly and effectively, as most people seem to master the preliminary exercises easily, and are then already primed for the further neccessary steps.
If interested in learning about a complete online formula for all stages of premature ejaculation, see It contains probably the most easy and efficient method to curing the premature ejaculation condition.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Premature Ejaculation - Getting Excited too Damn Quickly!
Chess McDoogle.
Premature ejaculation is a very common problem which does have a common, easy solution. You can get lost in the mess of snake oil solutions such as creams and pills and other remedies that doesn't address the real problem. Usually behind these solutions, there lies a fairly easy, straight forward method in dealing with premature ejaculation, which i'll explain here.
Really, premature ejaculation has to do with getting excited too damn quickly! A lot of that excitement is mental excitement. If we can master and control that mental excitement then we can master premature ejaculation. The pills or creams have nothing over the mind. If you master things mentally you'll not only get better results, but you'll get life long results. Permanent results that won't ever fail you.
If you go through a haunted house, chances are you'll get "scared" or least excited and surprised fairly easy. It's pretty ridiculous as you know your entering a haunted house and you know what to expect. Sex is the same way. When becoming intimate you know you're going to get sexually aroused and excited. Yet time after time many males go in and still end up suffering from premature ejaculation.
If you walked into that haunted house with about 5 minutes of mentally preparing yourself for any shocks and surprises to come, obviously you would walk through a lot less shaken. If one were to take more time to prepare they could walk through stone-walled serious without being rattled at all. The same can be applied to sex and premature ejaculation. There are simple mental tricks and techniques which you can go into sex with, and end up not only eliminating premature ejaculation, but also becoming a strong and long lasting lover!
We become so conditioned to believe that arousal is something that "just happens" and we have no control over it. In fact arousal or excitement can be managed and controlled. Obviously it shouldn't be eliminated or the pleasures of sexual intimacy wouldn't be experienced. But instead it should be mentally controlled as not to get excited too quickly. And after the excitement is mentally extended, it can in fact become second nature, thus eliminating premature ejaculation completely and permanently.
If interested in mental methods to eliminate premature ejaculation, you can go to : Here you can find the most effective techniques to control and ultimately conquer, premature ejaculation.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Premature Ejaculation Fix- Extending Foreplay
by Chess McDoogle
If you find yourself in a situation where you feel you are unprepared to have a lengthy intimate sexual encounter due to premature ejaculation problems, then one premature ejaculation fix is to extend the foreplay session. Ultimately you will want to get a handle on, and beat premature ejaculation, but if you need a fix immediately, this does the job well. Extending foreplay involves two different phases:
1. Extending foreplay as a premature ejaculation fix is essentially placing focus on your partner and concerning yourself with having her reach orgasm during your foreplay session. This is such a win situation because no matter what, your partner will be satisfied. This should take a huge amount of worry off of you. Hence you'll become more comfortable in performing further.
2. Next in this premature ejaculation fix is making the transition from foreplay to further intimacy. Soon after your partners been pleased, you can cease foreplay and begin further intimacy. Moving past foreplay immediately after your partner has been pleasured serves two purposes. First your partner will be in a pleasurable state of mind and achieving climax again won’t be such a huge deal. Second, and most important, an enormous amount of pressure will be lifted from you.
Once the pressure to perform is lifted you will be amazed at how you actually end up lasting much longer than you normally do! It really goes to show the enormous role mental pressure plays on premature ejaculation problems. Work on eliminating that pleasure from the beginning and then you'll not only enjoy the experience more, but you'll actually end up lasting longer and pleasing your partner further.
For information on curing Premature Ejaculation for good, see Here you'll learn how to gain control each and every time and no longer have to deal with a premature ejaculation fix -
Monday, October 8, 2007
Beating Quick Ejaculation by Chess McDoogle
Beating quick ejaculation is something that can be accomplished fairly easily with real world, permanent results. Rather than resort to quick fix solutions, such as questionable pills and stupid numbing creams, one can learn to beat quick ejaculation with a three prong approach.
1. Relaxation Techniques – I know, the whole breathing in and out and relaxing yourself bit. You've heard it before, but genuinely when it comes to beating quick ejaculation, the relaxation aspect has to be dealt with and achieved properly. Essentially the lack of relaxation is a huge cause of quick ejaculation. I didn't believe that relaxation had that much to do with it until I looked at the studies and read the literature. Not achieving a certain degree of relaxation will directly result in ejaculating way too quickly, and that's a fact.
2. Visualization exercises. It's the classic mind over matter thats been proven to work in every other area from athletics to business to general self help therapy. You can actually get your mind into a certain zone which will result in you lasting all night long if you want. It's almost scary to think how much control you can achieve through visualization exercises. It's a key element in getting rid of quick ejaculation quickly and permanently.
3. Premature ejaculation exercises. After the first two are accomplished, the next is easy. Exercising the pelvic muscles. Training these muscles for only minutes a day means you will gain amazing control of your ejaculation. It can eliminate quick ejaculation. But, again if you don't master relaxation and visualization then no matter how well trained your pelvic muscles become, you could easily slip out of the groove and experience quick ejaculation.
That's why this is a 3 prong approach, which if practiced on all three fronts, can lead to no more quick ejaculation and hours of intimate pleasure without worry.
For more information and program details to visualization, relaxation, and exercise techniques, see Here you can learn to easily master the 3 prong approach, plus even more quick ejaculation prevention methods.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
3 Answers to Having Sex Longer
Having sex longer is the key goal that a male should be concerned with. It adds major pleasure to both you and your partners intimate experience. Yet the very common problem of premature ejaculation haunts many, many men. Males suffer from premature ejaculation and cannot last as long as desired. There are three FAQ questions regarding having sex longer:
1. Is having sex longer possible if I suffer from premature ejaculation?
Treating premature ejaculation is indeed possible and can be accomplished on your own. There are short term quick fix solutions such as creams and ointments. And then there are exercises which can treat the problem for good.
2. Is having sex longer really that important that I should invest time, energy, and money into finding solutions?
It is important for both you and your partner, or for obtaining a steady partner. Your partner will generally take longer to reach orgasm, and it is important for you to master control until the point is reached for their satisfaction. You will also be not only mentally rewarded, but experience a feeling of increased pleasure yourself.
3. What are the options for obtaining realistic having sex longer results?
There are different options, both short term and long term. In the short term, if having sex longer suddenly becomes a priority and you don't have time to learn tricks and techniques, then there are creams and desensitizing ointments available. There are also condoms which already have desensitizing agents on them which you can use. These can be hit and miss, but they do have the potentiality of working and getting you through the night. The pleasure you will be experiencing won't be as great, but because you are having sex longer your partner will be pleased.
The other option is a long term, more permanent solution, and this can be learned through exercises. You basically learn to activate a muscle which will give you major control and prevent early ejaculation from occurring and hence allow having sex longer to be easy and controllable. This results in both pleasure for your partner and for yourself.
To learn specific having sex longer techniques and exercises, visit Here you can learn information for permanent premature ejaculation solutions, which are both easy and effective -
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Premature Ejaculation Pill - Remaining Skeptical
by Chess McDoogle
In a recent article it was reported that a researcher/psychiatry professor had discovered a premature ejaculation pill which showed success in curing PE. The article began by quoting the professor saying how 40 percent of males suffer from premature ejaculation, and there was little research being done to find a cure. So far, so good. The professor had acknowledged the problem as being very prevalent, while acknowledging the lack of research being done. Then the professor begins talking about a new premature ejaculation pill which is showing promise. Has science perhaps finally caught up and a legitimate premature ejaculation pill is going to be a cure all? Well, I remain skeptical for the following reasons:
1. In the article the professor states that he is actually not even sure how exactly the premature ejaculation pill works to prevent PE.
2. The article only sites one case study from the professor involving a male who apparently has "tried everything" from creams to techniques, and the premature ejaculation pill was the only thing that helped. From this one case study we are to believe that this premature ejaculation pill is the real deal.
3. The individual in the study did not state what "techniques" he had tried in the past, and I almost guarantee if he had tried proper premature ejaculation exercises and techniques, he would have experienced success, probably greater and more permanent than a premature pill could ever offer.
So who knows, perhaps a premature ejaculation pill could really show some promise in the future depending on successful clinical studies. But for now it seems too far fetched to accept as a doable premature ejaculation cure. As usual it's actual work and exercise that is the true solution to premature ejaculation.
For exercise techniques that work to solve premature ejaculation see Here you can find out about a legitimate, easy, technique to cure premature ejaculation.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Stop Premature Ejaculation Once and For All!
by Chess McDoogle
Premature ejaculation is something that can affect a relationship with your lover, or prevent you from getting involved in a brand new relationship. And it even can prevent engaging in a one night stand. Some individuals have given up on sexual pleasures altogether because of this problem. When things reach this level it's time to put your game face on and exclaim "I am going to stop premature ejaculation once and for all"!
In a recent article a doctor stated that around 40% of males suffer from premature ejaculation. The problems ranged from simply exploding in the events leading up to sex, to having actual sex and not being able to control yourself. It can take months before you can actually get to the point of admitting you have a problem, and then several months to take action to solve your problem. In order to stop premature ejaculation you have to take 3 important steps:
1. Admit that this is not right, and with full confidence tell yourself that you will in fact stop premature ejaculation once and for all. Otherwise a stance of no-action can continue and just makes things worse. The longer you remain in denial, the worse the problem will become and the solutions will be harder to achieve. Your ultimate goal to stop premature ejaculation will become further and further distant.
2. To stop premature ejaculation you are going to have to actively seek out solutions. This requires taking time out and researching various paths to recovery. There is no premature ejaculation hotline you can call and get instant solutions. And there are various solutions out there that you're going to have to take time and look at. With the advent of the internet you now have the amazing ability to obtain all you need to cure or assist in the healing of any problem. A plan to stop premature ejaculation is no exception and really no one has any excuse to not read up on the solutions. They are readily available through programs on the net.
3. The third step to stop premature ejaculation is actual action. Seems logical but how many times has someone read something to death, yet never take what they learned and applied it? Reading article after article and editing down and eliminating which solutions you found were far fetched and unreliable, and which seemed plausible, workable, and effective, is the route to take in seeking to stop premature ejaculation. In order to stop premature ejaculation once and forever, you'll need to focus on programs that offer exercise related solutions as opposed to magic snake oils that promise overnight results.
In order to stop premature ejaculation, you have to initially bite the hard to swallow bullet, understand the problem, do your research, and then fix the problem. The pay off in the end is hugely rewarding. Such an enormous burden can be lifted from you, enabling a flurry of brand new confidence you probably never experienced before. Stop premature ejaculation once and for all and open the floodgates for many new attractions and relationships to occur.
For more information on exercises that can stop premature ejaculation once and for all, see It is possible, doable and its effects will last forever. Thanks for reading.
Article Source:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Premature Ejaculation Cure - 3 Common Methods
by Chess McDoogle
If you want to find a premature ejaculation cure you essentially have 3 options:
1. Mental tricks to get you through the night. Basically you'll be operating from a night to night basis. That is everytime you have an intimate experience you'll have to put your mental tricks to use. These are little mind tricks you use to take your mind off of the pleasure of the moment so you can last longer. You would think you would get better at these after practice, but actually you will have to continue to find more and more tricks to use as your mind will become used to the former tricks. This approach tends to be more of a temporary premature ejaculation cure.
2. Premature ejaculation cure pills. While there are some pills out there claiming to work wonders, many have reported that at best it's the placebo effect that makes the pill approach work. Perhaps the science will be there in the future for a premature ejaculation cure all pill. But for now it's hard to buy into the idea that a pill can somehow de-sensitize your ejaculation power, and it makes you wonder what the side effects could be if such a powerful pill existed.
3. Exercises to last longer. Here you will essentially be training your body, through the tried and true approach of exercise, to develop a lasting power in which you will be able to physically control your ejaculations on your own. Thus this will provide an premature ejaculation cure that allows you to hit a home run in the sack each and every time, with total control. The other methods are very hit or miss, but training and exercise gives you the best control, benefits, and proven track record for a premature ejaculation cure.
If interested in learning the exact exercises for a premature ejaculation cure, the best resource online can be found at Here you can find a proven, workable resource for a solid premature ejaculation cure through exercise. . Lasting longer is definately possible, and long term, permanant solutions do exist.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Having Sex Longer Builds you a Stable of Women
by Chess McDoogle
Most people attach the benefits of having sex longer to one particular relationship, instead of truly understanding the bigger picture. Instead of focusing on how to just "get through the night", or "become a better lover for my girlfriend" one should focus concentration on the ability and opportunity to live an entirely new lifestyle, which only sexual lasting confidence can provide.
Yes it's true having sex longer is important to learn for the benefit of the current relationship you are in, but it is absolutely crucial to learn if you want to maintain a constant and growing stable of sexy, attractive, and beautiful women. It is in fact the backbone of fulfilling most any guys dreams of a healthy flowing stable of variety to pick and choose from. Yet over and over the only time guys learn the secrets and develop the skills to having sex longer, is when they are already in a relationship and are now desperate and embarrassed and even frightened that they can't last long enough and won't be able to please their new girlfriend.
This is the fools approach. The fool always waits until the last minute and many times when he finally does take the time to learn, it is either too late, things have gone south, or the situation is good but eventually does end and the fool becomes dormant, sulking and depressed and hence forgetting and not practicing all the having sex longer skills which he has learned.
How can mastering the skill of having sex longer from the outset increase your stable? By two means:
1. The fact that you know you can last long without a problem is such an enormous, incredible, confidence builder. This really cannot be understated. Imagine walking into a bar, smiling with complete confidence to every woman in the place, knowing that if it came down to a night of intimacy, you could give them an absolute incredible time, perhaps like none other they've had before. This confidence gives you a certain crown you are constantly wearing. No fear. And why should there be? You have learned the skills and secrets in having sex longer and intimacy with you just cannot get any better.
2. With this new confidence you will naturally develop an extremely important comfort zone which allows you to talk to virtually any woman. After all, once you've learned the having sex longer skills, then you can talk the talk, since you have in fact walked the walk. And if rejection does occur it won't matter at all. Absolute peanuts. Knowing that you possess a strong having sex longer skill set, then it will clearly be their loss! You can then casually saunter onwards with confidence, ease, and hardly a care to further build your soon to be overflowing stable.
Having sex longer goes way beyond just being able to last longer in the sack. It can provide you with an entirely different outlook, and in fact, an entirely different lifestyle, if you want it. Very few times in life are we able to go from wearing the dunce hat, to donning the kings crown. Learning the skills and secrets to having sex longer can change your life and attract an abundance of beautiful relationships you otherwise would have never experienced.
If you're interested in the skills to having sex longer, definitely check out Here you can find out to how to become an amazing lover, and even how to easily cure premature ejaculation issues. Check out . Thanks for reading.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Ejaculation Control Made Easy- Pumpin the PC Muscle!
by Chess McDoogle
The key to quick, effective, and long lasting ejaculation control is through exercise. Yes, there are all kinds of pills and lotions out there, promising to serve as a premature ejaculation cure, but as is most everything in life, if you want real results, you have to do real work.
Thankfully though, the real work can be made efficient and easy. Through learning capabilities that the internet offers, with easy access to online instructional manuals, we can cut to the chase and find the exact information we need. In this case, ejaculation control can be easily figured out how to be correctly dealt with. One of the main exercises entailed in ejaculation control is training what is referred to as the "PC muscle".
First we need to identify the PC muscle, and there is a simple way to laser target this unique muscle which is vital in training for ejaculation control. Have you ever been urinating, and then suddenly stopped, on purpose? Whether it be a strange sound outside which we've paused to listen to, or we are at a new girlfriends apartment with razor thin walls and we really have to go and the continual splash in the water toilet basin seems to never, never, ever end so out of embarrassment we "manually cut our whizz short"... Well whatever the reason we all have controlled our urination at one point. And guess what? The muscle we used to control our flow, was the PC muscle!
So in order to laser target our ejaculation control PC muscle we simply need to take a leak, and then manually stop at some point. Take careful note of the muscle that you are using when you stop your flow. Then continue to go, but this time reach down there and actually feel the muscle being worked when you again come to a urination halt. Go ahead and shake your new best friends hand, for you have just met, the mighty PC muscle. Praise the PC muscle, for it is a front line soldier in the battle for ejaculation control.
Targeting the PC muscle specifically, does take a little time and you shouldn't proceed on until you've officially "shaken hands" as I like to say. As soon as your confident you've pinpointed it, then you can move on to ejaculation control exercises.
The great thing about the PC muscle is that you can work it by itself. That is, you can work the PC hands free! And you can do it privately. Without anyone knowing, you can do a full on ejaculation control workout in public.
What you want to start out doing is simple ejaculation control static holds. While squeezing or contracting upwards, attempt to simply hold the PC muscle in place in that contracted position. It may be very difficult at first, you may barely be able to bang out a static hold of one second. But keep with it, and shoot for 2 seconds, then 3, and so forth.
Once we become more efficient with ejaculation control holds, we'll want to move on to ejaculation control repetitions, eventually shooting for a continual session consisting of several repetitions, with each one having at least a few seconds of static holds to them. Combining both reps and holds will give us a well rounded and effective ejaculation control workout.
Ejaculation control can actually be a fairly easy endeavor to achieve. The difficult part is identifying and becoming familiar and comfortable with the PC muscle. From that point forth it is just a matter of having a proper workout plan and putting in the time for training.
If your interested in a proper workout plan for the PC muscle, along with many other ejaculation control methods that work, then check out It's really the easiest and quickest route available to achieving ejaculation control. Give it a look at and thanks for reading.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Stop Premature Ejaculation - My Story of Survival
Premature ejaculation is something that can tear at you week after week, affecting not only the relationship with your lover, but most likely preventing you from getting involved in a new relationship or even a one night stand. Some individuals have given up on sexual pleasures altogether because of a premature ejaculation problem. When things reach this level it's time to put your game face on, become committed, and stop premature ejaculation.
My own personal experience with premature ejaculation was horrendous. I experienced both of the above, prevention from getting involved in a relationship, and finally when a relationship did happen by chance, many months went by without having sex due to my inability and lack of confidence to stop premature ejaculation.
My problem is a very good example of how years can go by while, consciously or unconsciously, making the decision to not stop premature ejaculation, out of both ignorance and embarrassment. Knowing what I know now, it's downright even more embarrassing to think I could have actually solved the problem within a week or two, if I would have simply taken action.
I started out with the inability to even get intimate with a woman through hugs, kisses and closeness. When our bodies (fully clothed mind you) would simply mesh together and we would begin to get intimate, I would simply and seemingly uncontrollably, explode. I look back and shutter at the thought of how I put up with my problem for so long. Eventually it took months before I could actually proceed further in our relationship, and even then it was as a pretty pathetic affair. While I was able to go further, it didn't prevent the quick explosions to continue. Again months went by before I finally took action and made the commitment that I would stop premature ejaculation.
What I didn't realize is the following very important bit of information: The longer you put off finding a solution to premature ejaculation, the worse it can actually get. Even if you are able to last a bit longer, basically you are still continually training your body to accept that this type of action is the norm. The body then becomes used to this, and hence it becomes harder to break the horrible habit. You then need to give your body a reason to stop premature ejaculation.
Part of my neglect not to stop premature ejaculation I can blame on the internet. Or that is, the lack of the internet. You see, during this time the net was still in its relative infancy. Internet cafe's were just popping up, and amongst me and the guys, the whole computer and internet business was a bit too "foo-foo" for us. Little did we know the benefits it would later provide us.
I finally did get on the internet and quickly realized that all kinds of remedies for various problems of all kinds were easily available. Where as before it would require an expensive and embarrassing doctor appointment, now I could simply purchase a solution on the net, quickly and privately. But the downside was I had to sift through a lot of weird, wacky, and downright phony methods on how to stop premature ejaculation.
I researched hard on how to stop premature ejaculation for weeks and these were the conclusions of my findings:
1. The quick fix pop a pill route was bogus. I learned from message boards and testimonials that simply popping a pill was not a rational, workable, solution. The medicine just didn't seem to be there yet, and instead there were a lot of snake oil potions being peddled.
2. There are temporary solutions. I discovered that temporary stop premature ejaculation solutions did exist and could be used to get me through a night, until I learned and practiced long term solutions. This definitely wasn't the ultimate solution, but it was comforting to know I had a few mental tricks I could stick in my back pocket if the situation arose.
3. The real solutions were in the form of technique and exercise. I came to understand that I needed to essentially re-train my body in order to stop premature ejaculation. To do this I needed to perform some simple exercises. These could be performed virtually anywhere, and despite a lot of stop premature ejaculation contraptions out there, one was not required. It was essentially following a good program and doing the exercises in the proper manner which led to my long term success to stop premature ejaculation.
My story is I'm sure only one of thousands, and I suspect there are worse cases with long term sufferers still not having made a decision to finally stop premature ejaculation. The important thing to remember is that the pay off in the end is hugely rewarding. Such an enormous burden was lifted from me, thus enabling a flurry of brand new confidence I had never experienced before to enter my life, leading to many, many, new attractions and relationships.
For more information on real solutions and exercises that can stop premature ejaculation once and for all, see It is possible to stop premature ejaculation with permanent results which will last forever. Check out Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Premature Ejac, Mac?
an original Chess Mcdoogle article
A friend of mine lives near a strip mall which contains an independently owned vitamin store. The proprietors young adult son, Scooter, who works at the store is known for standing outside and shouting to passerby's of the latest deals or popular new products. "Protein for your muscles?" "Fish oil for your heart?" These were common sales pitches he would give me on previous encounters while passing by. So it was to my surprise that on this particular occasion on the way to my friends, I passed by this young gentlemen, and rather then push protein or fish oil on me, he slyly shouts towards me, "Premature Ejac, Mac?" I was stunned, enough to stop and say, "excuse me?" He again repeats, "Premature Ejac, Mac?" I remained quizzical and dumbfounded. I asked Scooter if this was indeed some new product that was on the market, and he replied that in fact it was, and his vitamin business was booming because of it.
"Are you saying that you are really thriving in the premature ejaculation market"?
"Thats right bro, premature ejac is where it's at! Me and Pops are selling these premature ejac pills everyday! There's a heck of a lot of guys out there that really have this problem, so we hook them up with this supplement that claims to help them last longer"!
"Well alright, but do they actually work"?
Scooter paused a moment, and had already known me to be a visitor to the area, and not a potential regular customer, so he said, "well in the minds of our customers they sure do!"
Wow, I thought. So many males suffering from "premature ejac" and so few realizing that an overnight snake oil remedy probably isn't the best cure. I didn't inform Scooter that many guys can actually find real solutions through proper technique and exercise. And that as soon as the placebo effect wears off and they realize their "premature ejac" supplements are bunk, they could be very upset as they'll be back to square one, or perhaps even lower having lost confidence while suffering possible further humiliation.
"Premature ejac", or premature ejaculation, is in fact a real problem for many males, and as seen above it is dealt with by a need to find some overnight, over the counter, pill form remedy. Many males would rather spend tons of money on snake oil, rather than investing the time in researching real cures and solutions.
While in fact the "placebo effect" can possibly trick the mind into being somewhat of a semi-solution in the short term, the real long lasting powerful and in fact quick solution can only be found through specific premature ejaculation exercises.
What do the exercises consist of? Well, the long lasting cure for premature ejac consists of learning how to control a particular muscle which will then help in premature ejaculation situations. Once you train this muscle, similar to training a muscle in the gym, you will develop greater control over it. And that control can serve as a switch to turn on and off, thus preventing premature ejac before it hap.
Once you've trained this muscle, you then will put it to practice by becoming excited and then firing your control muscle, holding it for a few seconds, releasing and starting over. This trains both your body and mind and will lead to a sustainable cure for premature ejac, and one that no pill could ever accomplish.
Before reaching for quick fix premature ejac solutions, from Scooter or from anyone, realize that there are real alternatives that can be done in private, without false hope and promise. With real world work and practice, you can create a genuine solution leading to the successful result of lasting longer in the sack, and avoiding, premature ejac.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Better Sex Tip for Lasting Longer in the Sack!
a certified CHESS MCDOOGLE article!
A better sex tip for lasting longer in the sack consists of some "pre-planning".
If you are susceptible to premature ejaculation and are going to be having relations with your partner or a new lover, you likely want to make a good impression and not be embarrassed about getting too excited too quick. It's a horrible conundrum us males face. We can wine and dine, plan what to say and how to act, try to look our best, and then when it comes time, we blow it, pun intended...
Even if you think you are not that bad with premature ejaculation, this better sex tip can still help and ensure you won't just be good, but great. And for those many, many males who are having that first encounter with the new woman, and have strong worries that the excitement could happen too quickly, then this is a must use better sex tip.
I mentioned "pre-planning". Essentially what we want to do is lessen the excitement factor beforehand as much as possible. We can try visualizing, or mentally preparing for the moment somehow, but when it comes down to it, your body is going to take command. So this better sex tip is going to focus on what we can do physically to put our body in a state where it is not going to get excited so easily.
"Just get it over with!"
What would happen if we just got it over with? If we performed masturbation beforehand and just got that part out of the way. Our nerves might be a little more at ease, and the tension wouldn't be raised as high. But, as this better sex tip is concerned with the physical, it is going to be our body that gets the most benefit. Since it has already happened our body responds by not getting as excited the next time. That is, the next time (which in our case would be "the time") our body will make us work harder and longer to create that same ejaculatory feeling. We will not nearly get as over excited. This is often experienced with couples having sex, and the male usually reporting how the second or third time he is able to last much, much longer. Well, just think if we apply that second time experience to being the actual first time! It works amazingly well and here's how this better sex tip works:
You want to masturbate preferably within an hour of when you believe sex is going to take place. Too soon and you won't be able to perform at all, and too late then the window closes and you become "too fresh" again. Ideally you want to discover your own specific window. Practice some days prior and monitor when your excitement kicks back in, but your body's still is recovering enough to make you work harder and last longer. Some guys can perform this better sex tip before the date even starts and perform awesome and long some hours later, and other guys need to excuse themselves and find a bathroom stall within that hour. So it's best to find your own window. And when you do you'll have major confidence in knowing that you'll be able to please your partner, and not be taken by premature ejaculation.
This better sex tip is an easy, workable way to get around premature ejaculation worries. You can use it whenever you want for the most part. Most guys will eventually find it annoying and inconvenient to use this better sex tip time and time again. You can most certainly graduate on to discovering very real and workable premature ejaculation cures. They consist of exercises you can perform to stop premature ejaculation in it's tracks, while permanently eliminating premature ejaculation from your life. From there you won't have to inconvenience yourself through this quick fix better sex tip masturbation technique.
For exercise to stop and prevent premature ejaculation, please visit Resources for the best solution to cure premature ejaculation permanently can be found at
Monday, August 13, 2007
Premature Ejaculation Treatment - Best of the Best
an original Chess McDoogle article!
The best premature ejaculation treatment is going to be a method which offers the following:
1. Long term results.
2. Enjoyment.
This automatically rules out a few very common methods used as a premature ejaculation treatment. The first are pills. Premature ejaculation treatment pills rarely provide any results other than a short term placebo effect. The enjoyment will be hit or miss and could eventually lead to disaster once the individual realizes he's been taking bunk pills that are only placebo treatments effecting his mind.
The next premature ejaculation treatment we can rule out is mental games. Mental games consist of the individual taking his mind elsewhere during sex. Essentially thinking of entirely different matters as to not get excited and cause PE to occur. While perhaps it is possible for an individual to device a huge assortment of mental games and tricks to use so as to never get his mind used to the same one, thus making this premature ejaculation treatment to have a somewhat long term result, what he won't be able to get away from is the enjoyment factor. It's difficult to argue that one will really enjoy the act of sex while in his mind he is going through his grocery list to distract himself from getting excited to quick.
As we rule out the two common premature ejaculation treatment methods which both fall short in the long term result and enjoyment category, we can only come to one conclusion as to what the best premature ejaculation treatment can be. Exercise.
Good old fashioned exercise has never failed in a variety of areas and premature ejaculation is no exception. It does take some time to both learn and then apply, but in the end the rewards fall squarely sound in both long term results, and enjoyment. There are a number of exercises designed to train your Johnson to last longer, and it's best to research the best and most efficient route possible. On one hand it is going to take a bit of work, so you can rule out any techniques that promise you the moon overnight. But on the other hand there have been many people who have studied and found very efficient ways to obtain results fast as a premature ejaculation treatment, so it shouldn't take you several months or even weeks to begin to see results.
The main thing is that you are now able to zero in on solutions which emphasis exercise and technique, and shove aside all the hundreds of supposed premature ejaculation treatment cures which have you popping pills or mentally straining. Focus on putting some time in and the rewards you receive will be both long lasting and incredibly enjoyable.
For specific exercise information please see . Want to last longer and pleasure stronger? Then be sure to check out for permanent premature ejaculation solutions.
Monday, August 6, 2007
The Premature Ejaculation Pill that Works!
an original CHESS MCDOOGLE article!
Most people will say a premature ejaculation pill is the easy route and there's no way such a quick fix could work. If you take the traditional approach to pill popping and buy a bottle of snake oil pills thinking you can just pop one and the problem be solved, then yes, the naysayers are right. But if you take a bottle of pills, apply a weeks worth of manifestation, then you will see some amazing, almost unbelievable results.
The method here is fairly simple, and works by using the placebo effect to our advantage. It's been proven time and again that when one believes something to be working, then it mysteriously begins to work. Bear with me here... A study conducted a few years back showed how individuals who received only an incision to their knees, (thus believing they had actual knee surgery, yet they only received a cut with stitches applied later) these individuals were totally cured from their knee ailments, despite no actual surgery having taken place. It was simply the belief that turned out to be the answer. If we can harness this belief, and put it in a bottle then you can imagine the possibilities for an actual working premature ejaculation pill.
For our premature ejaculation pill possibilities and purposes we are going to take a bottle of sugar pills and first label it on the outside "premature ejaculation pill remedy" or if you want to be more discreet, simply "PE pill remedy" will work. Now once we design the bottle, we want to hold it in our hands and simply stare at it as if we are holding the holy grail while focusing on the incredible fact that in our hands we hold the key to a premature ejaculation cure.
For the next 5 days don't take any of your premature ejaculation pill remedies just yet, rather continue focusing on the bottle and it's amazing potential for a cure. Essentially what you are doing is adding the ingredients to the pills, through your manifesting that these will in fact work. You're building up the necessary belief pattern that has been proven to be a powerful remedy. Every day look and focus deeply on your premature ejaculation pill bottle, building up the ingredients while realizing you hold the simple answer to premature ejaculation.
On the 6th day begin taking one premature ejaculation pill 3 times throughout the day and continue for at least 3-5 days before giving things a "trial run" if you know what I'm saying.
Your premature ejaculation pill will give you the major mental edge when dealing with PE, and you'll be amazed at how a miracle has seemingly occurred and you're now able to last longer, when in fact it was your hard work and manifestations which achieved the results.
Now if you really want to seal the cure air tight, then you can take the mental edge you have now developed, and apply that towards the physical; exercises and other techniques which you can perform to increase lasting power on the physical front. The premature ejaculation pill remedy can make you last longer when done in the manifesting mindset, while adding in the physical will ensure things either further, and can step in at times where we are sometimes mentally off, or slightly depressed about something and our manifestations suffer slightly.
For more information on the physical exercises and further mental tricks please see Taking on premature ejaculation both mentally and physically can transform a man into an amazing, super freak of a lover. Check out for more.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Control Premature Ejaculation Tonight
If you've come to this article perhaps it was through a mad last minute google search as you just scored a date with a hot gal or you've been seeing an amazing woman and tonight looks to be, "the night". You've wanted to control premature ejaculation through proven techniques and exercises but you kept putting it off and off and off and now you're forced with a real dilemma: Tonight could very well be the big night and you're not ready to be able to control premature ejaculation just yet. Here's a quick surefire solution to get you through the night.
I'll cut right to the chase as your big date may only be hours, or for you desperate procrastinators, minutes away. Remember this is a quick fix to get you through the night, and you have to promise yourself that after this you'll invest in researching the easy, long term solutions, which involve technique and exercise. But lets control premature ejaculation tonight...
The New York Jets, the Buffalo Bills, the Detroit Lions, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers... I'll get back to these in a minute... First it's important to act calm and cool when the time comes. Focus on foreplay. You want to try to obtain the right mix of turning your partner on enough, while at the same time not over exciting yourself. But when it's time, it's time and now we will really need to control premature ejaculation pronto.
The Oakland Raiders, the Seattle Seahawks, the Cleveland Browns... Alright, where am I going with this? Well when "it's time" and you begin to engage, and you need to control premature ejaculation asap, then I want you to immediately begin to go through the entire names of NFL football teams. Please, stick with me here, this has worked wonders for me and was the difference between utterly dissapointing nights, and successfully pleasing the woman nights. Basically what you are doing is giving the mind something else to focus on while basically putting the penis on autopilot. I don't want to get to heavy on the mechanics of how it all works because frankly I'm not sure, I just know it does work, and I know the football team name game is the one of the best ways to make it work, and will control premature ejaculation.
Continue going through as many NFL teams as you can. When you can't think of any others, you can either quickly switch over to College ball, or else you can continue diving deeper into NFL stats if you're efficient in such, or else try to name the starting quarter backs for each team. Have a bit of a game plan before hand, for instance start with the team names, and then think of a follow up list to go through and so forth.
Like I said, this is a definite quick fix to control premature ejaculation, and has worked very well for me in the past. Now it is by no means a long term solution, and one of the obvious drawbacks is the fact that your having sex while trying to think what teams the Steelers lost to last season! The enjoyment level is taken down a notch or two, but that can all be remedied through proven long term control premature ejaculation methods. For now I put this method out there to get you through the night and get a temporary cure to control premature ejaculation.
For proven long term premature ejaculation solutions be sure to see this The football name game will can get you through a night, but this will get you through night after night after night -- Hope it helps and thanks as always for reading a McDoooogle article!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Overcome Premature Ejaculation Easily
an original CHESS MCDOOGLE article!
How do you overcome premature ejaculation easily? Through both physical and mental means, each enhancing the effectiveness of one another.
Mentally you want to calm the mind and develop confidence. Once you've arrived at a state of calm and control you are ready to physically begin to overcome premature ejaculation easily and effectively.
Physically you want to engage in masturbation more. Practice makes perfect and you can begin at least physically getting used to the elements of excitement and pleasure, while monitoring where your excitement thresholds are at, and working from that point to maintain longer and overcome premature ejaculation.
We then combine the physical and the mental through visualization. Visualize being with your partner and physically take yourself there. When excitement becomes overwhelming, simply stop altogether and breath deep. Take 10-15 deep breaths and then continue. Repeat and when excitement begins to overcome, stop and take another 10-15 deep breaths.
This is called rest-pause training and is used in weight lifting to develop tolerance to a heavier weight. What we are doing here is developing tolerance to over excitement.
We can overcome premature ejaculation by exercising and getting the body used to arriving at a point of excitement, then training it to push back that point further and further, thus as a result we overcome premature ejaculation and last longer and longer and longer! It takes some practice, but if you envision it as a simple exercise routine performed regularly then results will arrive quickly and effectively, and you will be rewarded by knowing that you put in time and effort to achieve real results.
For more proven, easy and long term premature ejaculation solutions, be sure to see Here you will find guaranteed techniques that easy, proven, and the results very quick. Overcome premature ejaculation for good -- Thanks for reading.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Having Sex Longer - How - Why - and When?
an original CHESS MCDOOGLE article!
Having sex longer and avoiding the very common problem of premature ejaculation is a common goal for many males. We are constantly thrown images from movies where it appears having sex longer than 5 minutes is the norm. When in reality many males suffer from premature ejaculation and cannot last as long as desired. There are three questions that will be addressed here, the first is:
-How is having sex longer possible?
Avoiding premature ejaculation is indeed possible by a variety of means. Some are short term quick fix solutions such as mental games and ointments. And others involve more long term results such as specific exercises and continual practice.
-Why is having sex longer important?
It is important both for you and your partner. While your partner may take longer to reach orgasm, it is important to maintain until the point is reached for their satisfaction. In turn, you will also be mentally rewarded with a feeling of fulfillment that you provided this for your partner. Also, as it turns out, having sex longer is more pleasurable for the male as well.
-When is having sex longer more apt to happen?
Usually men seem to maintain erections longer and stronger and avoid premature ejaculation more often, first thing in the morning. Physically men tend to have more “automatic erections” in the morning, but mentally I believe lies a strong element in why the a.m. waking hours contribute to the best time for having sex longer and that is because there is not a whole lot of “thought” or pressure to interfere in the process. That is, the mind is not cluttered with thought first thing in the morning and is still in some what of a hypnotic daze, thus worries or pressures, or even general day to day thoughts aren’t as prevalent in the waking hours. Of course when one applies techniques to aid in having sex longer, then anytime of the day will be long lasting.
So what we’ve revealed are the hows, whys, and whens to having sex longer.
-It is possible
-It is more pleasurable
-And it is most common in the waking hours, although as stated, having sex longer than usual can be achieved on an around the clock basis if one applies the proper long term techniques, such as exercise, practice, and a positive mental attitude.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Quick Ejaculation - 3 Points to Help Deal
Premature ejaculation, or quick ejaculation, can cause many problems for relationships, for dating, and even for the single guy who doesn't date because of it. I will outline three points to consider when dealing with quick ejaculation issues.
1. There is a solution. First and foremost it is vital to get it in your head that there is in fact a solution for quick ejaculation. Just the fact of knowing that it doesn't have to be this way and a solution is indeed within grasp, puts the mind at much more ease. It no longer becomes a problem issue, it now turns into a solution issue, as in, now all i have to do is create the time and investment and the solution to quick ejaculation will arise.
2. You are not alone. An enormous amount of males deal with quick ejaculation. I don't think studies can properly calculate the right percentage and number, because its inevitable it'll come out to low! No one really wants to admit they suffer from quick ejaculation, and a huge amount of others simply don't want to believe they're quick ejaculators when in reality they in fact are. Knowing that this is a far more common problem than anyone wants to really admit, puts the mind at ease, realizing that you are not alone.
3. Don't believe the movies! And this goes for both mainstream and pornography. I would estimate the number of mainstream films that give an accurate portrayal of sexual activity are extremely low. Sex is not all the gloss and glitter and background music and fades, and most importantly as long lasting as it is portrayed to be. In reality it is most always a lot clumsier, a lot less dramatic, and a lot quicker. As for pornography, the performers use various methods to prevent quick ejaculation. Everything from pills, to creams, to quick ejaculation prevention aids. And since it is their occupation, many have practiced exercises that will effectively prevent quick ejaculation.
Quick ejaculation is not as bad as our male minds would like to make it out to be. There are solutions, there are strength in numbers, and there is reality which looks a lot different from the silver screen.
The first step in dealing with quick ejaculation is realizing all of the above factors.
For quick ejaculation prevention exercises that work amazingly well, visit my blog at
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
How to Have Sex Longer - The 3 Techniques
by Chess McDoogle
Premature ejaculation is a problem many males face. There is a fear that this condition is permanent and un-fixable. That is not the case. Many wonder how to have sex longer when faced with premature ejaculation issues. I list 3 techniques to consider.
1. Exercises do work. Performing premature ejaculation cure related exercises because you want to learn how to have sex longer, is actually a viable option. Done properly and most importantly, consistently, they do provide strong, lasting solutions.
2. Creams and magic potions. Ah, the magic potion solution on how to have sex longer... Well.. The problem with creams and potions are that while they can improve your "staying power" they do so essentially through numbing ingredients. So while they may prolong ejaculation, they may also cause no ejaculation at all. Since your member is essentially numbed, your pleasure will be significantly downgraded, and sexual performance will suffer as well.
3. The football team technique. This has been around for a long while. Essentially this trick on how to have sex longer is a mental game you play with yourself. When the male feels he's about to ejaculate, he quickly begins going through various football teams in his head. This serves as a diversion and places focus on our all time favorite pastime, football. Naming off teams, and then from there the mind can go deeper into other thoughts regarding those teams, stats, wins-losses, etc. Meanwhile his ejaculation is held at bay. While I have to admit, I've used this technique and it has added a minute or more to my "staying power", as a solution of how to have sex longer, it ultimately fails in the long run, for the same reasons as the creams. Your pleasure is downgraded. After all, you're trying to have sex, not watch football!
These are three relatively common techniques on how to have sex longer. As is with most everything, the quick fix techniques have major drawbacks, and if one really wants to learn how to have sex longer, their going to need to put in the work, and go with method #1. Fortunately now days there are routines you can research to find the most efficient ejaculation exercise routine and conquer the quest of how to have sex longer!
For instruction on how to have sex longer with working exercise techniques, please visit my blog at