Monday, July 30, 2007

Overcome Premature Ejaculation Easily

an original CHESS MCDOOGLE article!

How do you overcome premature ejaculation easily? Through both physical and mental means, each enhancing the effectiveness of one another.

Mentally you want to calm the mind and develop confidence. Once you've arrived at a state of calm and control you are ready to physically begin to overcome premature ejaculation easily and effectively.

Physically you want to engage in masturbation more. Practice makes perfect and you can begin at least physically getting used to the elements of excitement and pleasure, while monitoring where your excitement thresholds are at, and working from that point to maintain longer and overcome premature ejaculation.

We then combine the physical and the mental through visualization. Visualize being with your partner and physically take yourself there. When excitement becomes overwhelming, simply stop altogether and breath deep. Take 10-15 deep breaths and then continue. Repeat and when excitement begins to overcome, stop and take another 10-15 deep breaths.

This is called rest-pause training and is used in weight lifting to develop tolerance to a heavier weight. What we are doing here is developing tolerance to over excitement.

We can overcome premature ejaculation by exercising and getting the body used to arriving at a point of excitement, then training it to push back that point further and further, thus as a result we overcome premature ejaculation and last longer and longer and longer! It takes some practice, but if you envision it as a simple exercise routine performed regularly then results will arrive quickly and effectively, and you will be rewarded by knowing that you put in time and effort to achieve real results.

For more proven, easy and long term premature ejaculation solutions, be sure to see Here you will find guaranteed techniques that easy, proven, and the results very quick. Overcome premature ejaculation for good -- Thanks for reading.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Having Sex Longer - How - Why - and When?

an original CHESS MCDOOGLE article!

Having sex longer and avoiding the very common problem of premature ejaculation is a common goal for many males. We are constantly thrown images from movies where it appears having sex longer than 5 minutes is the norm. When in reality many males suffer from premature ejaculation and cannot last as long as desired. There are three questions that will be addressed here, the first is:

-How is having sex longer possible?

Avoiding premature ejaculation is indeed possible by a variety of means. Some are short term quick fix solutions such as mental games and ointments. And others involve more long term results such as specific exercises and continual practice.

-Why is having sex longer important?

It is important both for you and your partner. While your partner may take longer to reach orgasm, it is important to maintain until the point is reached for their satisfaction. In turn, you will also be mentally rewarded with a feeling of fulfillment that you provided this for your partner. Also, as it turns out, having sex longer is more pleasurable for the male as well.

-When is having sex longer more apt to happen?

Usually men seem to maintain erections longer and stronger and avoid premature ejaculation more often, first thing in the morning. Physically men tend to have more “automatic erections” in the morning, but mentally I believe lies a strong element in why the a.m. waking hours contribute to the best time for having sex longer and that is because there is not a whole lot of “thought” or pressure to interfere in the process. That is, the mind is not cluttered with thought first thing in the morning and is still in some what of a hypnotic daze, thus worries or pressures, or even general day to day thoughts aren’t as prevalent in the waking hours. Of course when one applies techniques to aid in having sex longer, then anytime of the day will be long lasting.

So what we’ve revealed are the hows, whys, and whens to having sex longer.

-It is possible
-It is more pleasurable
-And it is most common in the waking hours, although as stated, having sex longer than usual can be achieved on an around the clock basis if one applies the proper long term techniques, such as exercise, practice, and a positive mental attitude.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Quick Ejaculation - 3 Points to Help Deal

Quick Ejaculation - 3 Points to Help Deal

Premature ejaculation, or quick ejaculation, can cause many problems for relationships, for dating, and even for the single guy who doesn't date because of it. I will outline three points to consider when dealing with quick ejaculation issues.

1. There is a solution. First and foremost it is vital to get it in your head that there is in fact a solution for quick ejaculation. Just the fact of knowing that it doesn't have to be this way and a solution is indeed within grasp, puts the mind at much more ease. It no longer becomes a problem issue, it now turns into a solution issue, as in, now all i have to do is create the time and investment and the solution to quick ejaculation will arise.

2. You are not alone. An enormous amount of males deal with quick ejaculation. I don't think studies can properly calculate the right percentage and number, because its inevitable it'll come out to low! No one really wants to admit they suffer from quick ejaculation, and a huge amount of others simply don't want to believe they're quick ejaculators when in reality they in fact are. Knowing that this is a far more common problem than anyone wants to really admit, puts the mind at ease, realizing that you are not alone.

3. Don't believe the movies! And this goes for both mainstream and pornography. I would estimate the number of mainstream films that give an accurate portrayal of sexual activity are extremely low. Sex is not all the gloss and glitter and background music and fades, and most importantly as long lasting as it is portrayed to be. In reality it is most always a lot clumsier, a lot less dramatic, and a lot quicker. As for pornography, the performers use various methods to prevent quick ejaculation. Everything from pills, to creams, to quick ejaculation prevention aids. And since it is their occupation, many have practiced exercises that will effectively prevent quick ejaculation.

Quick ejaculation is not as bad as our male minds would like to make it out to be. There are solutions, there are strength in numbers, and there is reality which looks a lot different from the silver screen.

The first step in dealing with quick ejaculation is realizing all of the above factors.

For quick ejaculation prevention exercises that work amazingly well, visit my blog at

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

How to Have Sex Longer - The 3 Techniques

How to Have Sex Longer - The 3 Techniques
by Chess McDoogle

Premature ejaculation is a problem many males face. There is a fear that this condition is permanent and un-fixable. That is not the case. Many wonder how to have sex longer when faced with premature ejaculation issues. I list 3 techniques to consider.

1. Exercises do work. Performing premature ejaculation cure related exercises because you want to learn how to have sex longer, is actually a viable option. Done properly and most importantly, consistently, they do provide strong, lasting solutions.

2. Creams and magic potions. Ah, the magic potion solution on how to have sex longer... Well.. The problem with creams and potions are that while they can improve your "staying power" they do so essentially through numbing ingredients. So while they may prolong ejaculation, they may also cause no ejaculation at all. Since your member is essentially numbed, your pleasure will be significantly downgraded, and sexual performance will suffer as well.

3. The football team technique. This has been around for a long while. Essentially this trick on how to have sex longer is a mental game you play with yourself. When the male feels he's about to ejaculate, he quickly begins going through various football teams in his head. This serves as a diversion and places focus on our all time favorite pastime, football. Naming off teams, and then from there the mind can go deeper into other thoughts regarding those teams, stats, wins-losses, etc. Meanwhile his ejaculation is held at bay. While I have to admit, I've used this technique and it has added a minute or more to my "staying power", as a solution of how to have sex longer, it ultimately fails in the long run, for the same reasons as the creams. Your pleasure is downgraded. After all, you're trying to have sex, not watch football!

These are three relatively common techniques on how to have sex longer. As is with most everything, the quick fix techniques have major drawbacks, and if one really wants to learn how to have sex longer, their going to need to put in the work, and go with method #1. Fortunately now days there are routines you can research to find the most efficient ejaculation exercise routine and conquer the quest of how to have sex longer!

For instruction on how to have sex longer with working exercise techniques, please visit my blog at