Friday, October 19, 2007

The Premature Ejaculation Condition

A premature ejaculation condition essentially consists of becoming too sexually excited too quickly and thus ejaculation occurs. It is actually a very common problem which has different levels. Three such levels, with solutions listed, are as follows:

1. A premature ejaculation condition which is only a problem for the last few minutes of sex. Here the individual is able to go through foreplay and even intercourse. But at the tail end he fails to maintain control thus ejaculating a few minutes too early. For this individual the problem can be solved rather easily with a few premature ejaculation based physical exercises, focusing on certain muscles which can control ejaculation. Since he is so close to maintaining control to where he desires, he need only learn a few ways to establish and maintain control for a few minutes longer through exercise technique.

2. A premature ejaculation condition which at the point of insertion, excitement occurs. This is pretty common where foreplay is usually involved and then when it comes time for intercourse, insertion is made and right away, or very soon after, ejaculation occurs. For this individual a combination of both mental techniques and exercises is needed. It's definitely doable to cure, it just requires a double attack since the lasting length needs to be extended so. The mind is hugely beneficial here, and it's incredible how training it the right way with proper focus, can not only make insertion easy, but lasting longer doable as well. Add in a few exercise techniques and the problem can be solved.

3. A premature ejaculation condition which over excitement occurs during foreplay. This is a case where before any sexual intercourse or even insertion is had the individual ejaculates during foreplay, for example from kissing or touching. This is also fairly common and can occur when an individual hasn't had much sexual practice or hasn't been intimate in a long while. The solution here is first a set of specific physical exercises to prime one into getting past foreplay. Then mental exercises will come into play, followed by a final set of physical exercises which will lock things down into long lasting mode. This actually can be accomplished rather quickly and effectively, as most people seem to master the preliminary exercises easily, and are then already primed for the further neccessary steps.

If interested in learning about a complete online formula for all stages of premature ejaculation, see It contains probably the most easy and efficient method to curing the premature ejaculation condition.

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