Monday, August 25, 2008

Quick Ejaculation Prevention

Quick ejaculation prevention is a goal many average, everyday men try to successfully accomplish. It can be a long road of trial and error, trying to find the right formula to be able to last long each and every time sexual intimacy occurs. Ideally that should in fact be the goal, a long term, permanent solution. In order to get there one has to do three things:

1. Research the LONG TERM solutions, while avoiding the quick fixes. Long term solutions will be centered around both physical exercises you can perform to last longer, and also mental techniques which have proven to be extremely useful in permanent quick ejaculation prevention. Short term remedy's to avoid are creams or magic potions which promise overnight results. While the creams may have a numbing effect on your member, you can easily fall into a spiral of having to rely on the creams, and avoiding learning long term solutions where you don't have to be all numbed up and can actually enjoy sex to the fullest, while lasting as long as one desires.

2. Practice-Practice-Practice. This is paramount in one's success in becoming a long lasting lover and preventing quick ejaculation. Once you apply the physical techniques, then add in the mental techniques. When you repeat these practices over and over, there will come a point where everything ''clicks'' and you are suddenly able to control ejaculations very easily, and hence last as long as you want. The good news is that there are ejaculation control and prevention programs online which contain complete easy to follow systems designed to stop premature ejaculation in the shortest amount of time possible. Where as once it would have to take several months of trial and error, now one can prevent quick ejaculation with the right program in a matter of weeks.

For a superb quick ejaculation prevention program, see Here you can achieve results quickly through a proven, effective, and easy to follow program.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Free Penis Enlargement Exercise Ebook!

Announcing my new and FREE eBook, Penis Mastery! Becoming Larger, Lasting Longer, and Making Her Squeal!

With this Ebook you will learn:

-A free penis enlargement exercise that is the center stone for all enhancement exercises. You can finally find out what the most common enlarging exercise is, and how exactly to perform it. Most pay programs are all based around this routine, but you'll get it for free.

-A very effective technique for lasting longer in bed. You can fix premature ejaculation with this 2 prong method. And no, this is not some lame technique you've seen before, this is an actual method you can practice on your own which will fix premature ejaculation and have you lasting longer in bed than you ever have before.

-And finally, to top it all off, the icing on the cake, you will learn a major sex technique that Ol' Chess McDoogle has used time and again to guarantee outrageous orgasms for the ladies. You'll learn, how to make her squeal! This sex tip is tops and can even work if your still suffering from premature ejaculation or worried about your size.

So, once again you get a free penis enlargement exercise, a premature ejaculation fix, and a great sex technique! Plus, you will get my personal recommendations for legitimate products that exist in the above three areas for further mastery. This alone can save you a ton of time from trying to sort out whats legit and what's not, what actually works and what doesn't. There's a lot of products out there, but these are the only ones I recommend.

You can get your FREE copy of PENIS MASTERY! right now at

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to Avoid Premature Ejaculation

Many times males find themselves in over their head. They strike up a conversation with an attractive female and before they know it the opportunity has presented itself for sexual intimacy to occur. When sudden and surprise encounters like this happen, even a good lover can be thrown off his game. And someone who may sometimes suffer from premature ejaculation (like many men do) this experience can turn into a very nervous ordeal. This shows the importance of learning, and training yourself to permanently be able to last as long as you want no matter what situation arises. But in the meantime, here are a few tips on how to avoid premature ejaculation in the heat of the moment:

1. Foreplay and Pleasuring her: You can really go far by extending foreplay while focusing on pleasure for the female. If you accomplish this correctly, then when further sexual intimacy is occurring, much of the pressure will be off you, and you'll be able to not only last longer, but enjoy the experience more fully. Focus first on her and her desires, and try to accomplish those desires during foreplay.

2. Carry a special backup condom: The backup condom method requires that you have a certain kind of condom on hand. There are condoms which contain numbing cream already inside them so all that is required is throwing on the latex, while allowing it to "de-sensitize the situation". This accomplishes two things: Mentally knowing that you have the backup condom, will ease off a lot of nervousness and stress. Thus when it comes time, you may find you won't even need the special condom. But if you do, it is there and can get you through the night prolonging intimacy which would otherwise be cut much too short. Of course, ideally one should not have to rely on the backup condom repeatedly, but rather should learn how to avoid premature ejaculation permanently so that whenever an intimate encounter arises, he can confidently go into the situation, and come out of it as a great lover.

To learn how to permanently avoid premature ejaculation and last as long as you want, see Here you'll find the easiest and most effective online cure to last long and strong.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Control Premature Ejaculation Easily

One ideal and relatively easy way to control premature ejaculation is using both a combination of mental technique and physical technique. This can lead to lasting much longer while enjoying the sexual intimacy experience. You're not taking your mind completely off the experience and at the same time your not straining yourself physically to try to prevent ejaculation. By combining both the physical and mental you make controlling premature ejaculation much easier.

1. Mental control. Let's get down to business. When engaged in sexual intimacy and you feel the over excitement beginning to take reign, mentally envision "pulling" your excitement inward, rather than allowing it to go outward. That is, focus your mind not on ejaculating, but rather the ejaculation occurring in reverse. It's difficult to imagine until you actual try it during sexual intimacy with a partner, or else on your own. When over excitement is becoming apparent, envision an inward suction, rather than an outward explosion.

2. Physical control. During the same time your envisioning pulling in, physically use the muscles near your groin to tighten up and pull in. While you are envisioning the inward suction, you are also physically contracting inward, as if you are physically attempting to pull in the ejaculation. The combination of these two provides a very strong and easily applied control mechanism for preventing premature ejaculation from occurring.

3. Breathing. While combining both the physical and mental technique, it's important to maintain proper breathing. This is especially important if you begin to have trouble maintaining both these techniques simultaneously. Steady, deep breaths can keep you going and maintain your focus and rhythm.

For permanent cures and controls to premature ejaculation, see Here you'll find the most thorough and easily applied solutions to last as long as you want.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Having Sex Longer is Important and Here is Why

Having sex longer seems to be a common goal for men, and many women wish they could get their partners to last longer during sex. But is being able to have sex longer really that important? Should it be something couples should make an effort to work on? Well, the reality is that many, many men suffer from ejaculating too quick and this causes problems for the male ego. The woman's satisfaction during sexual intimacy is also not fulfilled when having sex longer is not accomplished. So, indeed, having sex longer during sexual intimacy is a very important aspect to a relationship that should dealt with, head on.

1.Why maintaining longer during sexual intimacy is important:

The female partner may take longer to reach orgasm and it is important for the male to maintain until the point of sexual satisfaction is reached. In turn, the male will be mentally rewarded with a feeling of fulfillment that he provided pleasure for his partner. Also, having sex longer is actually more pleasurable for the male as well.

2.What time of day can a couple experience longer lasting sex?

Men will maintain erections longer and avoid premature ejaculation more often, first thing in the morning. Physically men tend to have more automatic erections in the morning upon awakening. And mentally there is not a whole lot of thought or performing pressure in the waking hours. That is, the mind is not cluttered with thought first thing in the morning and is still in some what of a hypnotic daze, thus worries or pressures, or even general day to day thoughts aren’t as prevalent in these waking hours. Of course when one applies techniques to aid in having sex longer, then anytime of the day can be long lasting.

To learn exactly how to last longer during sex, which will permanently cure quick ejaculation, see
Here you can find a very effective and easy resource to last as long as you want during sexual activity.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ways to Stop Premature Ejaculation

There are ways to stop premature ejaculation. Here are some quick fix methods, plus more permanent ways to stop premature ejaculation from ever occurring again:

1. One way to prevent premature ejaculation is to desensitize yourself with a numbing cream. This is obviously a shortcut, quick fix method and won't give you the permanent results you are ideally looking for, but it can stop over excitement from taking place, since you'll only be feeling about 30-40% of the usual sensation. And obviously this is the big drawback, you don't get as much enjoyment out of sexual intimacy as you really should. But it is one method, so I put it out there for what it's worth...

2. Stopping through mental exercises. This is getting more closer to permanent ways to stop premature ejaculation, but still can be used as a temporary quick fix method. Many males have discovered that if they think about something else during sex (a common example has been football) they've found that they have lasted much longer and avoided becoming excited too quickly. Now there are programs available which teach you how to use mental exercises to your advantage (and not have to think of things like football), thus creating a more permanent solution which you can use each and every time.

3. Stopping through physical control. This is a more permanent way to stop premature ejaculation, and can be learned over the course of a week or two, simply by exercising a muscle which is responsible for control of ejaculation (it's the same muscle you feel when you try to stop urinating, try it and you'll trigger it). This muscle is greatly "out of shape" in most males, and simply by exercising it once a day you can learn to control it, thus you can control your ejaculation and last as long as you want.

Ultimately when you combine both mental exercises (#2) and physical control (#3), then you have the ideal permanent way to stop premature ejaculation. There are excellent programs available that teach both mental and physical exercises, and within a few weeks you can have yourself lasting longer than you ever have before in your life.

Here is an excellent program which teaches the exact ways to stop premature ejaculation permanently, and has a 97% success rate for working -

It teaches the necessary physical and mental techniques you need to learn, so that you'll never have to worry about premature ejaculation again. Check out