Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to Avoid Premature Ejaculation

Many times males find themselves in over their head. They strike up a conversation with an attractive female and before they know it the opportunity has presented itself for sexual intimacy to occur. When sudden and surprise encounters like this happen, even a good lover can be thrown off his game. And someone who may sometimes suffer from premature ejaculation (like many men do) this experience can turn into a very nervous ordeal. This shows the importance of learning, and training yourself to permanently be able to last as long as you want no matter what situation arises. But in the meantime, here are a few tips on how to avoid premature ejaculation in the heat of the moment:

1. Foreplay and Pleasuring her: You can really go far by extending foreplay while focusing on pleasure for the female. If you accomplish this correctly, then when further sexual intimacy is occurring, much of the pressure will be off you, and you'll be able to not only last longer, but enjoy the experience more fully. Focus first on her and her desires, and try to accomplish those desires during foreplay.

2. Carry a special backup condom: The backup condom method requires that you have a certain kind of condom on hand. There are condoms which contain numbing cream already inside them so all that is required is throwing on the latex, while allowing it to "de-sensitize the situation". This accomplishes two things: Mentally knowing that you have the backup condom, will ease off a lot of nervousness and stress. Thus when it comes time, you may find you won't even need the special condom. But if you do, it is there and can get you through the night prolonging intimacy which would otherwise be cut much too short. Of course, ideally one should not have to rely on the backup condom repeatedly, but rather should learn how to avoid premature ejaculation permanently so that whenever an intimate encounter arises, he can confidently go into the situation, and come out of it as a great lover.

To learn how to permanently avoid premature ejaculation and last as long as you want, see Here you'll find the easiest and most effective online cure to last long and strong.

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