Monday, August 4, 2008

Having Sex Longer is Important and Here is Why

Having sex longer seems to be a common goal for men, and many women wish they could get their partners to last longer during sex. But is being able to have sex longer really that important? Should it be something couples should make an effort to work on? Well, the reality is that many, many men suffer from ejaculating too quick and this causes problems for the male ego. The woman's satisfaction during sexual intimacy is also not fulfilled when having sex longer is not accomplished. So, indeed, having sex longer during sexual intimacy is a very important aspect to a relationship that should dealt with, head on.

1.Why maintaining longer during sexual intimacy is important:

The female partner may take longer to reach orgasm and it is important for the male to maintain until the point of sexual satisfaction is reached. In turn, the male will be mentally rewarded with a feeling of fulfillment that he provided pleasure for his partner. Also, having sex longer is actually more pleasurable for the male as well.

2.What time of day can a couple experience longer lasting sex?

Men will maintain erections longer and avoid premature ejaculation more often, first thing in the morning. Physically men tend to have more automatic erections in the morning upon awakening. And mentally there is not a whole lot of thought or performing pressure in the waking hours. That is, the mind is not cluttered with thought first thing in the morning and is still in some what of a hypnotic daze, thus worries or pressures, or even general day to day thoughts aren’t as prevalent in these waking hours. Of course when one applies techniques to aid in having sex longer, then anytime of the day can be long lasting.

To learn exactly how to last longer during sex, which will permanently cure quick ejaculation, see
Here you can find a very effective and easy resource to last as long as you want during sexual activity.

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