Quick ejaculation prevention is a goal many average, everyday men try to successfully accomplish. It can be a long road of trial and error, trying to find the right formula to be able to last long each and every time sexual intimacy occurs. Ideally that should in fact be the goal, a long term, permanent solution. In order to get there one has to do three things:
1. Research the LONG TERM solutions, while avoiding the quick fixes. Long term solutions will be centered around both physical exercises you can perform to last longer, and also mental techniques which have proven to be extremely useful in permanent quick ejaculation prevention. Short term remedy's to avoid are creams or magic potions which promise overnight results. While the creams may have a numbing effect on your member, you can easily fall into a spiral of having to rely on the creams, and avoiding learning long term solutions where you don't have to be all numbed up and can actually enjoy sex to the fullest, while lasting as long as one desires.
2. Practice-Practice-Practice. This is paramount in one's success in becoming a long lasting lover and preventing quick ejaculation. Once you apply the physical techniques, then add in the mental techniques. When you repeat these practices over and over, there will come a point where everything ''clicks'' and you are suddenly able to control ejaculations very easily, and hence last as long as you want. The good news is that there are ejaculation control and prevention programs online which contain complete easy to follow systems designed to stop premature ejaculation in the shortest amount of time possible. Where as once it would have to take several months of trial and error, now one can prevent quick ejaculation with the right program in a matter of weeks.
For a superb quick ejaculation prevention program, see http://having-sex-longer.blogspot.com Here you can achieve results quickly through a proven, effective, and easy to follow program. http://having-sex-longer.blogspot.com