Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How to Stop Quick Ejaculation

One way to stop quick ejaculation is through specific exercise or practice routines. One such practice routine is a exercise which builds up the sensation and then has you practice control. It can get you used to becoming excited to the point where quick ejaculation usually occurs, but then halting that ejaculation, easing off and beginning again. Repeated and done regularly, it can greatly reduce and even eliminate quick ejaculation from occurring.

Essentially the routine involves becoming excited and when the usual point of quick ejaculation occurs, with thumb and forefinger you want to pinch the head of your johnson lightly but firm enough so that it discourages ejaculation from occurring. What you've done is built up to a certain excitable point, but unlike the usual quick ejaculation, you have actually sent a signal to your body through your thumb and forefinger johnson pinch, that says nope, not yet. Essentially you are training your body to become used with lasting longer when it comes to sex.

The process is then repeated, again reaching the point of where quick ejaculation usually takes place, then lightly pinching enough to discourage, and then easing off. You can continue to repeat this routine until the time between excitability and pinching become too close together. Generally what you will notice is that when you go to perform this exercise a night or two later, it'll will take you longer to get excited, while also gaining a degree of control and comfort. Continued practice can lead you to eventually learning how to stop quick ejaculation once and for all.

For an easy and very effective quick ejaculation prevention plan, see Here you can find a unique and effective program to end quick ejaculation permantly.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Winning the Premature Ejaculation Game

by Chess McDoogle

Winning the premature ejaculation game can be done with a 3 prong approach. This is a gradual system designed to allow you to not cease your sex life, but rather to carry on with it while at the same time developing skills to win over premature ejaculation once and for all.

1. Begin your exercises. When you decide it's time to deal with, and beat, premature ejaculation then you'll want to start with learning to exercise a muscle that can actually give you control over ejaculating. Basically it is the same muscle you use if you want to suddenly stop urinating. And to target this muscle, simply do that. Stop urinating mid stream and you will feel the exact muscle down there yonder that controls the flow. Once targeted you simply begin flexing that muscle a few times day at your leisure, while your sitting down, for as many times in a row as possible. At first it will be difficult, but you'll find by the end of one week you'll be able to work it much longer, hence you will have developed control in lasting longer, as this muscle can also be used to stop one from ejaculating too quickly.

2. Learn foreplay extenders. That is, learn passionate ways to extend foreplay right before having sex. This buys you time during your ejaculation training period, and when combined with the third point below, it will allow you to still have satisfying sex with a partner, even though you may still be suffering from premature ejaculation.

3. Mental tricks that work wonders. There are amazing ways to last longer and avoid premature ejaculation by simple mind tricks. An example is while having sex focus your mind on sports: Anything from baseball scores to football spreads. This method can buy you A LOT of time and you'll be amazed at how much longer you will last when you give your mind some other bone to chew on. So if you combine extended foreplay with mental tricks, you can get away with having pleasurable sex, while in your free time you will be training yourself physically to permanently last longer, thus winning over premature ejaculation.

When all is said and done, you can very quickly become a long lasting lover with the combination of both the exercising techniques and advanced mental techniques.

For information on specific and highly effective mental techniques to beat premature ejaculation, see-

Here you can learn online the quickest and most effective route to permanently win over premature ejaculation

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Premature Ejaculation Condition

A premature ejaculation condition essentially consists of becoming too sexually excited too quickly and thus ejaculation occurs. It is actually a very common problem which has different levels. Three such levels, with solutions listed, are as follows:

1. A premature ejaculation condition which is only a problem for the last few minutes of sex. Here the individual is able to go through foreplay and even intercourse. But at the tail end he fails to maintain control thus ejaculating a few minutes too early. For this individual the problem can be solved rather easily with a few premature ejaculation based physical exercises, focusing on certain muscles which can control ejaculation. Since he is so close to maintaining control to where he desires, he need only learn a few ways to establish and maintain control for a few minutes longer through exercise technique.

2. A premature ejaculation condition which at the point of insertion, excitement occurs. This is pretty common where foreplay is usually involved and then when it comes time for intercourse, insertion is made and right away, or very soon after, ejaculation occurs. For this individual a combination of both mental techniques and exercises is needed. It's definitely doable to cure, it just requires a double attack since the lasting length needs to be extended so. The mind is hugely beneficial here, and it's incredible how training it the right way with proper focus, can not only make insertion easy, but lasting longer doable as well. Add in a few exercise techniques and the problem can be solved.

3. A premature ejaculation condition which over excitement occurs during foreplay. This is a case where before any sexual intercourse or even insertion is had the individual ejaculates during foreplay, for example from kissing or touching. This is also fairly common and can occur when an individual hasn't had much sexual practice or hasn't been intimate in a long while. The solution here is first a set of specific physical exercises to prime one into getting past foreplay. Then mental exercises will come into play, followed by a final set of physical exercises which will lock things down into long lasting mode. This actually can be accomplished rather quickly and effectively, as most people seem to master the preliminary exercises easily, and are then already primed for the further neccessary steps.

If interested in learning about a complete online formula for all stages of premature ejaculation, see It contains probably the most easy and efficient method to curing the premature ejaculation condition.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Premature Ejaculation - Getting Excited too Damn Quickly!

Chess McDoogle.

Premature ejaculation is a very common problem which does have a common, easy solution. You can get lost in the mess of snake oil solutions such as creams and pills and other remedies that doesn't address the real problem. Usually behind these solutions, there lies a fairly easy, straight forward method in dealing with premature ejaculation, which i'll explain here.

Really, premature ejaculation has to do with getting excited too damn quickly! A lot of that excitement is mental excitement. If we can master and control that mental excitement then we can master premature ejaculation. The pills or creams have nothing over the mind. If you master things mentally you'll not only get better results, but you'll get life long results. Permanent results that won't ever fail you.

If you go through a haunted house, chances are you'll get "scared" or least excited and surprised fairly easy. It's pretty ridiculous as you know your entering a haunted house and you know what to expect. Sex is the same way. When becoming intimate you know you're going to get sexually aroused and excited. Yet time after time many males go in and still end up suffering from premature ejaculation.

If you walked into that haunted house with about 5 minutes of mentally preparing yourself for any shocks and surprises to come, obviously you would walk through a lot less shaken. If one were to take more time to prepare they could walk through stone-walled serious without being rattled at all. The same can be applied to sex and premature ejaculation. There are simple mental tricks and techniques which you can go into sex with, and end up not only eliminating premature ejaculation, but also becoming a strong and long lasting lover!

We become so conditioned to believe that arousal is something that "just happens" and we have no control over it. In fact arousal or excitement can be managed and controlled. Obviously it shouldn't be eliminated or the pleasures of sexual intimacy wouldn't be experienced. But instead it should be mentally controlled as not to get excited too quickly. And after the excitement is mentally extended, it can in fact become second nature, thus eliminating premature ejaculation completely and permanently.

If interested in mental methods to eliminate premature ejaculation, you can go to : Here you can find the most effective techniques to control and ultimately conquer, premature ejaculation.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Premature Ejaculation Fix- Extending Foreplay

by Chess McDoogle

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel you are unprepared to have a lengthy intimate sexual encounter due to premature ejaculation problems, then one premature ejaculation fix is to extend the foreplay session. Ultimately you will want to get a handle on, and beat premature ejaculation, but if you need a fix immediately, this does the job well. Extending foreplay involves two different phases:

1. Extending foreplay as a premature ejaculation fix is essentially placing focus on your partner and concerning yourself with having her reach orgasm during your foreplay session. This is such a win situation because no matter what, your partner will be satisfied. This should take a huge amount of worry off of you. Hence you'll become more comfortable in performing further.

2. Next in this premature ejaculation fix is making the transition from foreplay to further intimacy. Soon after your partners been pleased, you can cease foreplay and begin further intimacy. Moving past foreplay immediately after your partner has been pleasured serves two purposes. First your partner will be in a pleasurable state of mind and achieving climax again won’t be such a huge deal. Second, and most important, an enormous amount of pressure will be lifted from you.

Once the pressure to perform is lifted you will be amazed at how you actually end up lasting much longer than you normally do! It really goes to show the enormous role mental pressure plays on premature ejaculation problems. Work on eliminating that pleasure from the beginning and then you'll not only enjoy the experience more, but you'll actually end up lasting longer and pleasing your partner further.

For information on curing Premature Ejaculation for good, see Here you'll learn how to gain control each and every time and no longer have to deal with a premature ejaculation fix -

Monday, October 8, 2007

Beating Quick Ejaculation by Chess McDoogle

Beating quick ejaculation is something that can be accomplished fairly easily with real world, permanent results. Rather than resort to quick fix solutions, such as questionable pills and stupid numbing creams, one can learn to beat quick ejaculation with a three prong approach.

1. Relaxation Techniques – I know, the whole breathing in and out and relaxing yourself bit. You've heard it before, but genuinely when it comes to beating quick ejaculation, the relaxation aspect has to be dealt with and achieved properly. Essentially the lack of relaxation is a huge cause of quick ejaculation. I didn't believe that relaxation had that much to do with it until I looked at the studies and read the literature. Not achieving a certain degree of relaxation will directly result in ejaculating way too quickly, and that's a fact.

2. Visualization exercises. It's the classic mind over matter thats been proven to work in every other area from athletics to business to general self help therapy. You can actually get your mind into a certain zone which will result in you lasting all night long if you want. It's almost scary to think how much control you can achieve through visualization exercises. It's a key element in getting rid of quick ejaculation quickly and permanently.

3. Premature ejaculation exercises. After the first two are accomplished, the next is easy. Exercising the pelvic muscles. Training these muscles for only minutes a day means you will gain amazing control of your ejaculation. It can eliminate quick ejaculation. But, again if you don't master relaxation and visualization then no matter how well trained your pelvic muscles become, you could easily slip out of the groove and experience quick ejaculation.

That's why this is a 3 prong approach, which if practiced on all three fronts, can lead to no more quick ejaculation and hours of intimate pleasure without worry.

For more information and program details to visualization, relaxation, and exercise techniques, see Here you can learn to easily master the 3 prong approach, plus even more quick ejaculation prevention methods.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

3 Answers to Having Sex Longer

by Chess McDoogle

Having sex longer is the key goal that a male should be concerned with. It adds major pleasure to both you and your partners intimate experience. Yet the very common problem of premature ejaculation haunts many, many men. Males suffer from premature ejaculation and cannot last as long as desired. There are three FAQ questions regarding having sex longer:

1. Is having sex longer possible if I suffer from premature ejaculation?

Treating premature ejaculation is indeed possible and can be accomplished on your own. There are short term quick fix solutions such as creams and ointments. And then there are exercises which can treat the problem for good.

2. Is having sex longer really that important that I should invest time, energy, and money into finding solutions?

It is important for both you and your partner, or for obtaining a steady partner. Your partner will generally take longer to reach orgasm, and it is important for you to master control until the point is reached for their satisfaction. You will also be not only mentally rewarded, but experience a feeling of increased pleasure yourself.

3. What are the options for obtaining realistic having sex longer results?

There are different options, both short term and long term. In the short term, if having sex longer suddenly becomes a priority and you don't have time to learn tricks and techniques, then there are creams and desensitizing ointments available. There are also condoms which already have desensitizing agents on them which you can use. These can be hit and miss, but they do have the potentiality of working and getting you through the night. The pleasure you will be experiencing won't be as great, but because you are having sex longer your partner will be pleased.

The other option is a long term, more permanent solution, and this can be learned through exercises. You basically learn to activate a muscle which will give you major control and prevent early ejaculation from occurring and hence allow having sex longer to be easy and controllable. This results in both pleasure for your partner and for yourself.

To learn specific having sex longer techniques and exercises, visit Here you can learn information for permanent premature ejaculation solutions, which are both easy and effective -