Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Premature Ejac, Mac?

an original Chess Mcdoogle article

A friend of mine lives near a strip mall which contains an independently owned vitamin store. The proprietors young adult son, Scooter, who works at the store is known for standing outside and shouting to passerby's of the latest deals or popular new products. "Protein for your muscles?" "Fish oil for your heart?" These were common sales pitches he would give me on previous encounters while passing by. So it was to my surprise that on this particular occasion on the way to my friends, I passed by this young gentlemen, and rather then push protein or fish oil on me, he slyly shouts towards me, "Premature Ejac, Mac?" I was stunned, enough to stop and say, "excuse me?" He again repeats, "Premature Ejac, Mac?" I remained quizzical and dumbfounded. I asked Scooter if this was indeed some new product that was on the market, and he replied that in fact it was, and his vitamin business was booming because of it.

"Are you saying that you are really thriving in the premature ejaculation market"?

"Thats right bro, premature ejac is where it's at! Me and Pops are selling these premature ejac pills everyday! There's a heck of a lot of guys out there that really have this problem, so we hook them up with this supplement that claims to help them last longer"!

"Well alright, but do they actually work"?

Scooter paused a moment, and had already known me to be a visitor to the area, and not a potential regular customer, so he said, "well in the minds of our customers they sure do!"

Wow, I thought. So many males suffering from "premature ejac" and so few realizing that an overnight snake oil remedy probably isn't the best cure. I didn't inform Scooter that many guys can actually find real solutions through proper technique and exercise. And that as soon as the placebo effect wears off and they realize their "premature ejac" supplements are bunk, they could be very upset as they'll be back to square one, or perhaps even lower having lost confidence while suffering possible further humiliation.

"Premature ejac", or premature ejaculation, is in fact a real problem for many males, and as seen above it is dealt with by a need to find some overnight, over the counter, pill form remedy. Many males would rather spend tons of money on snake oil, rather than investing the time in researching real cures and solutions.

While in fact the "placebo effect" can possibly trick the mind into being somewhat of a semi-solution in the short term, the real long lasting powerful and in fact quick solution can only be found through specific premature ejaculation exercises.

What do the exercises consist of? Well, the long lasting cure for premature ejac consists of learning how to control a particular muscle which will then help in premature ejaculation situations. Once you train this muscle, similar to training a muscle in the gym, you will develop greater control over it. And that control can serve as a switch to turn on and off, thus preventing premature ejac before it hap.

Once you've trained this muscle, you then will put it to practice by becoming excited and then firing your control muscle, holding it for a few seconds, releasing and starting over. This trains both your body and mind and will lead to a sustainable cure for premature ejac, and one that no pill could ever accomplish.

Before reaching for quick fix premature ejac solutions, from Scooter or from anyone, realize that there are real alternatives that can be done in private, without false hope and promise. With real world work and practice, you can create a genuine solution leading to the successful result of lasting longer in the sack, and avoiding, premature ejac.

For more information on "premature ejac" techniques and exercises, see http://having-sex-longer.info

Monday, August 20, 2007

Better Sex Tip for Lasting Longer in the Sack!

a certified CHESS MCDOOGLE article!

A better sex tip for lasting longer in the sack consists of some "pre-planning".

If you are susceptible to premature ejaculation and are going to be having relations with your partner or a new lover, you likely want to make a good impression and not be embarrassed about getting too excited too quick. It's a horrible conundrum us males face. We can wine and dine, plan what to say and how to act, try to look our best, and then when it comes time, we blow it, pun intended...

Even if you think you are not that bad with premature ejaculation, this better sex tip can still help and ensure you won't just be good, but great. And for those many, many males who are having that first encounter with the new woman, and have strong worries that the excitement could happen too quickly, then this is a must use better sex tip.

I mentioned "pre-planning". Essentially what we want to do is lessen the excitement factor beforehand as much as possible. We can try visualizing, or mentally preparing for the moment somehow, but when it comes down to it, your body is going to take command. So this better sex tip is going to focus on what we can do physically to put our body in a state where it is not going to get excited so easily.

"Just get it over with!"

What would happen if we just got it over with? If we performed masturbation beforehand and just got that part out of the way. Our nerves might be a little more at ease, and the tension wouldn't be raised as high. But, as this better sex tip is concerned with the physical, it is going to be our body that gets the most benefit. Since it has already happened our body responds by not getting as excited the next time. That is, the next time (which in our case would be "the time") our body will make us work harder and longer to create that same ejaculatory feeling. We will not nearly get as over excited. This is often experienced with couples having sex, and the male usually reporting how the second or third time he is able to last much, much longer. Well, just think if we apply that second time experience to being the actual first time! It works amazingly well and here's how this better sex tip works:

You want to masturbate preferably within an hour of when you believe sex is going to take place. Too soon and you won't be able to perform at all, and too late then the window closes and you become "too fresh" again. Ideally you want to discover your own specific window. Practice some days prior and monitor when your excitement kicks back in, but your body's still is recovering enough to make you work harder and last longer. Some guys can perform this better sex tip before the date even starts and perform awesome and long some hours later, and other guys need to excuse themselves and find a bathroom stall within that hour. So it's best to find your own window. And when you do you'll have major confidence in knowing that you'll be able to please your partner, and not be taken by premature ejaculation.

This better sex tip is an easy, workable way to get around premature ejaculation worries. You can use it whenever you want for the most part. Most guys will eventually find it annoying and inconvenient to use this better sex tip time and time again. You can most certainly graduate on to discovering very real and workable premature ejaculation cures. They consist of exercises you can perform to stop premature ejaculation in it's tracks, while permanently eliminating premature ejaculation from your life. From there you won't have to inconvenience yourself through this quick fix better sex tip masturbation technique.

For exercise to stop and prevent premature ejaculation, please visit http://having-sex-longer.info/ Resources for the best solution to cure premature ejaculation permanently can be found at http://having-sex-longer.info/

Monday, August 13, 2007

Premature Ejaculation Treatment - Best of the Best

an original Chess McDoogle article!

The best premature ejaculation treatment is going to be a method which offers the following:

1. Long term results.
2. Enjoyment.

This automatically rules out a few very common methods used as a premature ejaculation treatment. The first are pills. Premature ejaculation treatment pills rarely provide any results other than a short term placebo effect. The enjoyment will be hit or miss and could eventually lead to disaster once the individual realizes he's been taking bunk pills that are only placebo treatments effecting his mind.

The next premature ejaculation treatment we can rule out is mental games. Mental games consist of the individual taking his mind elsewhere during sex. Essentially thinking of entirely different matters as to not get excited and cause PE to occur. While perhaps it is possible for an individual to device a huge assortment of mental games and tricks to use so as to never get his mind used to the same one, thus making this premature ejaculation treatment to have a somewhat long term result, what he won't be able to get away from is the enjoyment factor. It's difficult to argue that one will really enjoy the act of sex while in his mind he is going through his grocery list to distract himself from getting excited to quick.

As we rule out the two common premature ejaculation treatment methods which both fall short in the long term result and enjoyment category, we can only come to one conclusion as to what the best premature ejaculation treatment can be. Exercise.

Good old fashioned exercise has never failed in a variety of areas and premature ejaculation is no exception. It does take some time to both learn and then apply, but in the end the rewards fall squarely sound in both long term results, and enjoyment. There are a number of exercises designed to train your Johnson to last longer, and it's best to research the best and most efficient route possible. On one hand it is going to take a bit of work, so you can rule out any techniques that promise you the moon overnight. But on the other hand there have been many people who have studied and found very efficient ways to obtain results fast as a premature ejaculation treatment, so it shouldn't take you several months or even weeks to begin to see results.

The main thing is that you are now able to zero in on solutions which emphasis exercise and technique, and shove aside all the hundreds of supposed premature ejaculation treatment cures which have you popping pills or mentally straining. Focus on putting some time in and the rewards you receive will be both long lasting and incredibly enjoyable.

For specific exercise information please see http://having-sex-longer.info/ . Want to last longer and pleasure stronger? Then be sure to check out http://having-sex-longer.info for permanent premature ejaculation solutions.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Premature Ejaculation Pill that Works!

an original CHESS MCDOOGLE article!

Most people will say a premature ejaculation pill is the easy route and there's no way such a quick fix could work. If you take the traditional approach to pill popping and buy a bottle of snake oil pills thinking you can just pop one and the problem be solved, then yes, the naysayers are right. But if you take a bottle of pills, apply a weeks worth of manifestation, then you will see some amazing, almost unbelievable results.

The method here is fairly simple, and works by using the placebo effect to our advantage. It's been proven time and again that when one believes something to be working, then it mysteriously begins to work. Bear with me here... A study conducted a few years back showed how individuals who received only an incision to their knees, (thus believing they had actual knee surgery, yet they only received a cut with stitches applied later) these individuals were totally cured from their knee ailments, despite no actual surgery having taken place. It was simply the belief that turned out to be the answer. If we can harness this belief, and put it in a bottle then you can imagine the possibilities for an actual working premature ejaculation pill.

For our premature ejaculation pill possibilities and purposes we are going to take a bottle of sugar pills and first label it on the outside "premature ejaculation pill remedy" or if you want to be more discreet, simply "PE pill remedy" will work. Now once we design the bottle, we want to hold it in our hands and simply stare at it as if we are holding the holy grail while focusing on the incredible fact that in our hands we hold the key to a premature ejaculation cure.

For the next 5 days don't take any of your premature ejaculation pill remedies just yet, rather continue focusing on the bottle and it's amazing potential for a cure. Essentially what you are doing is adding the ingredients to the pills, through your manifesting that these will in fact work. You're building up the necessary belief pattern that has been proven to be a powerful remedy. Every day look and focus deeply on your premature ejaculation pill bottle, building up the ingredients while realizing you hold the simple answer to premature ejaculation.

On the 6th day begin taking one premature ejaculation pill 3 times throughout the day and continue for at least 3-5 days before giving things a "trial run" if you know what I'm saying.

Your premature ejaculation pill will give you the major mental edge when dealing with PE, and you'll be amazed at how a miracle has seemingly occurred and you're now able to last longer, when in fact it was your hard work and manifestations which achieved the results.

Now if you really want to seal the cure air tight, then you can take the mental edge you have now developed, and apply that towards the physical; exercises and other techniques which you can perform to increase lasting power on the physical front. The premature ejaculation pill remedy can make you last longer when done in the manifesting mindset, while adding in the physical will ensure things either further, and can step in at times where we are sometimes mentally off, or slightly depressed about something and our manifestations suffer slightly.

For more information on the physical exercises and further mental tricks please see http://having-sex-longer.info/ Taking on premature ejaculation both mentally and physically can transform a man into an amazing, super freak of a lover. Check out http://having-sex-longer.info/ for more.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Control Premature Ejaculation Tonight


If you've come to this article perhaps it was through a mad last minute google search as you just scored a date with a hot gal or you've been seeing an amazing woman and tonight looks to be, "the night". You've wanted to control premature ejaculation through proven techniques and exercises but you kept putting it off and off and off and now you're forced with a real dilemma: Tonight could very well be the big night and you're not ready to be able to control premature ejaculation just yet. Here's a quick surefire solution to get you through the night.

I'll cut right to the chase as your big date may only be hours, or for you desperate procrastinators, minutes away. Remember this is a quick fix to get you through the night, and you have to promise yourself that after this you'll invest in researching the easy, long term solutions, which involve technique and exercise. But lets control premature ejaculation tonight...

The New York Jets, the Buffalo Bills, the Detroit Lions, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers... I'll get back to these in a minute... First it's important to act calm and cool when the time comes. Focus on foreplay. You want to try to obtain the right mix of turning your partner on enough, while at the same time not over exciting yourself. But when it's time, it's time and now we will really need to control premature ejaculation pronto.

The Oakland Raiders, the Seattle Seahawks, the Cleveland Browns... Alright, where am I going with this? Well when "it's time" and you begin to engage, and you need to control premature ejaculation asap, then I want you to immediately begin to go through the entire names of NFL football teams. Please, stick with me here, this has worked wonders for me and was the difference between utterly dissapointing nights, and successfully pleasing the woman nights. Basically what you are doing is giving the mind something else to focus on while basically putting the penis on autopilot. I don't want to get to heavy on the mechanics of how it all works because frankly I'm not sure, I just know it does work, and I know the football team name game is the one of the best ways to make it work, and will control premature ejaculation.

Continue going through as many NFL teams as you can. When you can't think of any others, you can either quickly switch over to College ball, or else you can continue diving deeper into NFL stats if you're efficient in such, or else try to name the starting quarter backs for each team. Have a bit of a game plan before hand, for instance start with the team names, and then think of a follow up list to go through and so forth.

Like I said, this is a definite quick fix to control premature ejaculation, and has worked very well for me in the past. Now it is by no means a long term solution, and one of the obvious drawbacks is the fact that your having sex while trying to think what teams the Steelers lost to last season! The enjoyment level is taken down a notch or two, but that can all be remedied through proven long term control premature ejaculation methods. For now I put this method out there to get you through the night and get a temporary cure to control premature ejaculation.

For proven long term premature ejaculation solutions be sure to see this http://having-sex-longer.blogspot.com/ The football name game will can get you through a night, but this will get you through night after night after night -- http://having-sex-longer.blogspot.com/ Hope it helps and thanks as always for reading a McDoooogle article!